My kids are high energy. No surprise there. But when my three year old started preschool his teacher thought he was odd because he would pull the nap mat on top of him, stick his head in the floor fan and fall asleep. I already knew he liked compression, white noise and the feel of air blowing over his skin. She had never seen behavior like this before.
Then in pre-k at 4 years old he would get really mad and make these incredibly imaginative threats, clench his fists or take things out of other kids hands. The school started calling me nearly everyday because once he got upset he showed no remorse and stayed mad an especially long time after wards. When he was completely calm he would feel and express remorse, but they would never leave him alone long enough to calm all the way down, like 20-40 minutes is what it would take. When I would pick him up from school he would be intentionally provoking to all the kids in the car pool, pulling hair, kicking, spitting and wouldn’t stop. Then at home there would be an almost immediate meltdown over something that simply didn’t make any sense, like four crackers on his plate when he wanted five. And he would get mad then cry and I would hold him and he would be held by me for an hour. It almost always lasted exactly an hour. Then it’s like he would completely reset and be his normal self for the rest of the night. After a few months he began fighting going to school. He would beg and argue not to go, saying all they do at school is boring work papers and he hates it. Halfway through pre-k they told me they would not be letting him go to kindergarten because he only knew four of the letters of the alphabet and the numbers 1, 2 and 3. That didn’t sound right given the interactions I’d had with him. I checked, tested him myself without helping him and he knew 22 out of 26 letters of the alphabet and the numerals one to ten they had asked for him to show proficiency in. I also was getting phone calls nearly everyday for behavioral issues of aggression and threats. Observing him with his teacher, I noticed that she had no rapport with him. He would just ignore her if he didn’t want to do the activity.
Going into kindergarten at a new school he really wanted to please this teacher. They had a rapport, but she reported significant issues with his executive function skills and referred him for occupational therapy, speech therapy and a vision screening. We began the occupational therapy right away but it took four months to get the vision appointment. In the meantime I began getting phone calls nearly daily from the school again about aggression and inappropriate behavior. We had almost no behavior issues at home at this point, but as things got worse at school the aggression and conflict came home too. Everything became a fight. Everything. Halfway through the school year he was expelled.
Within days of this we found out that the vision issue he has is neurological and couldn’t be treated where we lived, so we moved to get treatment. We got set up with a local occupational therapist and enrolled him in a new school. I was upfront with the new school about previous schools challenges with him but still pretty skeptical that it was as bad as they said it was. I still had never seen him behave the way the schools report he had behaved.
We have been at the new school for four months and they have now suspended him again. Which is actually safer for him as The school keeps letting him elope out into the streets. He has about a half mile radius from the school at this point. They seem incapable of keeping him on campus.
Since he started going to school there they haven’t been able to keep him in the classroom ever. It’s the last month that he has widened the eloping to the community surrounding the school grounds. They report that when they keep him from eloping he becomes aggressive and violent. He has been suspended previously from this same school for violent behavior after he’d been there only a month.
During the summer before kindergarten i homeschooled him because they weren’t going to let him into kindergarten unless he showed sufficient academic proficiency. In between kindergartens I homeschooled him because I didn’t know we were going to need to move and he needed maintain the learning. What I found was that he had forgotten most of what he had known from the previous summer. Now that he has been suspended I am homeschooling him again because the school hasn’t said when/if he will be allowed back. I am again finding he has forgotten most of what he could do at the end of January. His teacher at this school tells me she has no idea what his academic level is because he is never in class, so she can rarely observe his abilities. We are four days into this suspension, the first day was rough behaviorally. He was sad missing his friends and anxious that he wouldn’t be allowed to go to first grade and he would be stuck in “boring kindergarten” he said in a voice of utmost disgust. The last three have been a return of the kid I know. The kid who has all but disappeared since he started school.
Does anybody have experience with this level of challenge at school that normalizes at home? Any help on how to make school safer for him?
Alternately, does anybody have success homeschooling while being a single parent needing to also earn income for the whole family?