hello everyone and I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. I wanted to share something and also see if I can get some guidance from anyone with similar experience. This holiday we decided to bring our kids to a small getaway since they’re a bit older now. One of my kids has hearing loss and wears aids. We went to a water park so of course he couldn’t wear them, I found myself frustrated and upset because I couldn’t communicate with him as he couldn’t hear me over the loud environment nor could he hear lifeguards if they blew whistles. I have also in previous post explained I am struggling with figuring out if he has adhd as I have been struggling with him as far as behaviors and if it’s hearing related or something else going on. His pediatrician had me fill out a questionnaire as well as his teacher and since his teacher said he’s not a disruption to the class and his behavior doesn’t interfere with us being able to leave our house or daily activities that it’s just something to keep an eye on. I’m annoyed and feel unheard and dismissed because his behaviors are more consistent and I am having a hard time dealing with him when he has these moments and don’t know what else to do
relatable?: hello everyone and I hope... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...

I am sure it's frustrating that the Dr hasn't diagnosed him yet. It's got to be difficult to determine what is him not hearing things and what is ADHD behaviors. When his aids are in and working well do you have the same struggle with behavior and self control? If he's doing well in school, not disruptive and cooperates in class (all things I dream of for my son) is it only at home that he struggles? Typically ADHD kids, especially younger ones, struggle mostly at school. Focusing and controlling themselves in the classroom setting. Usually at home when it's more relaxed and less "non-preferred tasks" it's easier.
when his aids are in he still has the same behaviors, in his classroom they have something similar to a calm down corner where they can go for 3-5 minutes and color or play with sensory toys. They also do circle time where they all sit on the floor and the teacher has voiced to me she has to ask him to sit or stop rolling around or he plays with his shoelaces, he has to be redirected and will spend a lot of his time wanting to sit with his teacher but not to the point where he is a distraction. I’m to the point where I’m wondering if I should record his behaviors so I can show what my concerns are rather than describing. Some days are better than others but most time I have a hard time calming him or he can get bored quickly even doing something he likes
I am an occupational Therapist in a school and many times when my students have a hearing or visual deficit they appear as sensory kids. They may need more sensory input in other areas or have issues with processing sensory input because their other senses have become more aware due to the hearing deficit. I would try different sensory input with him and see if anything seems to help with the behaviors. There are also lots of books on sensory processing with kids such as Out of Sync Child. Even if he doesn't fit the criteria perfectly he may still benefit from some of the strategies. Good Luck