My daughter has been diagnosed with ADHD. She was born premature at 1lb 1/2. We had to put her in speech therapy. What I later t learned on my own was that although she’s 13 YOA, psychologically and emotionally she’s 8-9 YOA. I was treating her like a 13 year old but then learned this when I found myself constantly repeating myself telling her to pick up after herself, brush her teeth, remind her of her bedtime. I learned that I can’t impose more than one maybe 2 chores at a time. I’m exhausted.
ADHD Help: My daughter has been... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
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2 Replies
I e learned that we shouldn’t assume our kid can do something based on their age. We need to work with the kid we have and make adjustments accordingly. Easier said than done though. Thank you for sharing. Zen hugs 🫂
Yes, individuals with ADHD have lagging executive functioning skills about 3-4 years behind their chronological age. I have to constantly remind myself of this with our son who is 10y/o going on 7 yrs in many areas It takes a while... I would suggest working with an OT to help with scaffolding supports to help you and your daughter build the skills to meet her where she is and increase her independence with certain skills over time. Hope this helps!
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