It has been surgested that my daughter now 15 May have ADHD, I am not sure. I am trying to understand ADHD but find it confusing as so much conflicting and vage information. I want to help her and ultimately that’s all I care about.
She has been treaged and is on the waiting list to be seen, my son has been on the same waiting list for comming up to 3 years. I am looking for help for her now.
I have read that supplementing can help and have been giving her Theanine, B2, and B complex since December. This is as well as the usual Vit Dk3, zinc and magnisium, that she has had on and off over the years. I have seen a significant improvement in her since adding these supplements and wonder if there is more I could be doing.
I am keen to improve concentration for school and also She gets tics that are quite distressing to watch and would really like to know how to help with these as worried she will hurt herself as the tics involved her head and neck.
I have seen adds for mushroom gummies by Ankhway and wondered if anyone has given them a try and if they would be suitable for a teenager.
Thinking they could help with both but a little scared to try.
Any help, suggestions or signposting would be greatly appreciated
thank you