Hi everyone! I am new to this board and dont know where else to turn.
My 19 year old AUdhd daugther was just diagnosed with gastroparesis (where the stomach muscles work very slowly to push the food out of her stomach) and she regularly has stomach pain. I feel awful because I read that adderall can cause this- though it is very rare- and of course we didnt know that going in. She had been taking Adderall (not XR) for a couple years and it was successful for her.
She went off the Adderall so I am looking to find out if there are any other ADHD meds that you have tried that have not caused stomach pain. Our problem is that our medicine prescriber doesnt know about GI issues and our GI doctor doesnt know about ADHD medication! We are treating the gastroparesis through diet and looking into medication as well.
Thanks! Suzanne