I am interested in connecting with parents of teens in particular teens with an ADHD diagnosis. I have a 13 year old daughter with an ADHD combined diagnosis and am struggling on the home front to effectively motivate her, and communicate without power struggles.
Interested in connecting with parents... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Interested in connecting with parents of ADHD TEENS to exchange tips and ideas

My son is 13. Happy to connect with you, though not sure I have any perfect answers! I think these teenage years are going to be challenging...but there are success stories in this forum from parents on the flip side of high school!
Mom to a soon to be 14 year old girl with adhd/dyslexia. Happy to connect
My son is 12, turning 13 this summer. We struggle with emotional dysregulation, poor organization and sleep. Here's hoping we all make it through the teen years!
Would be happy to connect with you as well. My son is 13 as well.
my stepkid is doing better over his teen years than young childhood. I think it’s partially due to lowering stresses and doing counseling. My stepkid is 15 rn. My daughter is definitely starting the teen attitude at 9 though. Arguments, stomping, screaming and locking away in bedroom is happening a lot more often then the last 2 years combined. I do remember my stepkid having a lot of trouble through the beginning of teen years, when hormones started, until about 11/12. I’m just hoping it’s the same with my daughter. I’m already done with the emotional disregulation and disrespect, especially towards her dad.
Hi, my 13 y/o son was recently diagnosed with ADHD and also has anxiety and low self esteem. He also struggles with motivation when it comes to keeping up with his hygiene and homework-especially if he's not interested or it takes a lot of mental effort. Does your daughter receive any kind of treatment? I'm still trying to figure all of this out, but what I know is yelling, lecturing and threatening makes things worse. I think kids at this age are trying to figure out their sense of self and want to feel like they have some agency over their lives. Kids with ADHD struggle even more with this as are so used to getting negative feedback and feeling like they are failures, and feel misunderstood. We're just starting to navigate this all. He has a 504 plan at school, and just started seeing a therapist. I want to start parent training sessions as well. We're also going to discuss the possibility of supplements and medication.
Hi my daughter is on medication (after several tries - vyvanse seemed to work well for her). We did intermittent counselling and that helped with the social pressures at school. She has a learning plan at school. We were able to do an assessment with Mindwell which was Pycho-Educational assessment which was very thorough, and helped me advocate for her, once the plan was implemented and she could concentrate more at school she started doing better, and referred to the pre-medication period as "when I was stupid". That tells you about the difference it made.
I am planning on taking parent training sessions.
Here are some links on parent training that I found - in case these are helpful.
I am sharing this so that anyone can benefit from my response.
Sounds like you've been doing everything you can so far. It's definitely a journey. Thanks so much for the video! We just took my son to see a pysch NP yesterday. He's going to start on supplements to give him time to research the medication, as this will make him feel better. We'll have another appt in about a month to discuss meds. I'm just happy he seemed comfortable with her and was able to open up!
My son is 11 1/2, we have ups and downs. He is diagnosed with ADHD, DMDD, and anxiety. The biggest issue he faces is emotional dysregulation. We have been trying therapy, medication and counseling since he was six. I sometimes wonder if this will ever get easier.
Emotional dysregulation is a tough one. Check out these approaches I found in case they are helpful. youtu.be/PnIeE9QElkQ?si=GXe...(Not working as expected?)
My adopted son is 12 and was diagnosed with ADHD 2 years ago. We saw immediate results once he started Intunive ER 1 mg. Now that he is entering his tween, teen years we are noticing more moodiness and frequent lying. His organizational skills are up and down. I only mentioned the adopted side as it may just be some of his genetic personalitiy. We have two biological children, 27 and 25 as well who do not have ADHD but do have anxiety issues.
Love connecting this way with other parents to find new ideas and common ground.