Hello all, I am the parent of 2 beautiful children (17 & 12). My son (17) was diagnosed with ADHD several years ago, and I have done every intervention known to man… We have managed to make it to his junior year of high school, and it is a struggle now more than it ever has been. I know every situation is unique so I won’t go into too many details here, but I am just looking for some connection here on this forum, as I grieve the loss of a relationship that I thought I could cultivate even with ADHD. It seems as though I cannot help someone, my son, who doesn’t want to make changes or help himself. Well, that’s not fully true… He *wants* all of these things, but his impulsivity and his proclivity for fun, fast and easy is just too tempting for him, and the results are struggles in school, struggles with friendships, and struggles here at home. I’m not looking for answers on how to fix his situation, but just more looking for community connection so I don’t feel so alone in all of this. I mean, if somebody has a magic fix, please let me know!
Anyway, I’m glad there is a space for people like us here to connect and see that we are not alone. Ultimately, I wish I had a magic wand that would show me that my son will be OK, but the reality of it is, is that not only Can I not predict the future, but my son truly does have an increased risk for substance use disorder amongst other things and that’s the scariest part of all of this, the unknown.
Thanks for listening y’all and I look forward to meeting some folks on here!