I’m not good with words. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 16, now my 6 yr old child recently was diagnosed with ADHD. I am not on medication because I went down the wrong route at that age and just stopped. Now I am 37, 6 years clean and with my child being diagnosed, i remembered I myself was on meds. I just forgot. I apologize for my story being scattered. I struggle with my memory, keeping tasks and the works. I can handle my emotions to a point but it is hard when your child struggles too. BUT he has taught me patience and empathy. We do not have a family doctor as she closed her practice. I am learning on my own through my son. My son is seeing a pediátrican. Is there anyone that can relate to my situation? What are some strategies to help as a parent when things get tough? I can’t seem to get my easily frustrated insides gone. I can’t keep to a list. It is HARD.
parent and child with ADHD - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
parent and child with ADHD

It sounds like your are a damn good person! Your background, will help your child thrive and learning together is an exciting journey. Perhaps if you both start the meds or a holistic journey, try it together.
I'm going to throw this out there.
When did you last take time for you?
It has been awhile. My son likes to be with me constantly. Funny , his pediátrican asked me the same thing. My eye balls always feel like they are 200lbs but I have to keep going.
I think, you have answered your own question! ADHD is so tiring to live with, your doing it for two people.
It's hard to do as a parent, but maybe a reset? A quick vacation to somewhere with a kids club or something which gives you both that chance.
Or find something that is mentally stimulating but also relaxing.
Ultimately you time, will make you a better parent too!
If you went to a shop, and the cashier had been working 100hrs, they are not giving you the best service. It is why we don't work that long.
Easier said than done with a child, I know!
Your amazing!
I wasn’t diagnosed until38. I’m 40 with my 9yo diagnosed last year. My stepkid is 14 and they trigger me. I used to snap at them when triggered, but remembered that was being traumatic for the kids, so I taught myself to tense up and walk away to take a break till I can calm down. Then I sit down and talk to them when all of us are chill and able to think logically. Doing this for those of us with adhd takes a lot more effort than neurotypicals.
My partner says get another doctor and start taking meds again. It’s never too late.
Yes totally! That is exactly what I want to do and my plan. The only problem is I live in British Columbia, a major doctor shortage here. I am on the waiting list along with many others needing a family doctor.
I’m glad you are on the list! Remember: squeaky wheel gets the grease. Contact them once a week and check in.
I just did another look and it is bleak. There is no doctor taking in patients within 100km. Also, on the news last night it said almost half of Canadians Do not have a doctor now.
I was diagnosed recently after recognizing some symptoms in myself that our son has. Parenting is challenging, and parenting when you have ADHD is extra hard. I definitely am embracing a “good enough “ philosophy as much as possible. Chicken nuggets for dinner again? Ok. Dust bunnies behind the doors? Well, don’t look behind the doors and you won’t see them. Have my kids bathed, eaten, they’re wearing clean clothes that fit, and they’re on time to school? Check. Does my house look like Pinterest? A million NOPES. Hugs to you and let’s be kind to ourselves
Update : I am very relieved to announce I have started medication, concerta (slow releasing methylphenidate) 18mg to start. Surprisingly it is my doctor I have been seeing only to monitor pain meds for a health issue for the past 6 years. He will also keep my other prescriptions going that I have been on for years that my old family doctor had started. He is also a family physician, apparently all I had to do is ask. I didn’t know, because before he would say to follow whatever up with my family doctor, so I just never asked again after that one time. Now moving fwd .
Best wishes to you! Glad you were able to get your doctor to help you. That was a handy positive!