I’m looking for ADHD support groups with other parents who have ADHD and teens with ADHD. I’m a single Mom and have a hard time doing life with just my boys and myself. I would love if there was a local meetup where we have meetings, help each other and do outings with each other. Is there such a thing? Or am I living in a fantasy world?
local ADHD In person Support - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
local ADHD In person Support

Welcome! Where are you located? I would love to find support too. My son who is the youngest of 3 boys (two other boys are alot older and are out of the house) has a hard time making friends. He has none and we feel really bad for him. Everybody deserves a friend.
We are in NorthEast Ohio near Cleveland. Medina! Same with my younger one. He has a hard time communicating with his peers. He has a heart of gold! His “friends” dare him to do things to get him in trouble at school. He is so desperate for friends he does it then gets laughed at. Also a few teachers with no patience for Hyperactive 14 year old boys. Where are you located? Thank you for responding to me! I don’t feel so alone now!
I am in Kansas City. My son will soon be 13 in a month. He has no friends at all at school ( he says every once and a while one boy talks to him) He has his friends that he plays games with him online. He plays Roblox (My husband and I both play with him on that). He says all the time I don't need friends they just break your heart🥺😭as his parents that breaks our hearts. Then some days he says I wish I had a good friend. He has two older brothers that live with their dad (almost 20 and 22). When they come over he wants to play with them constantly and he wants to play with us constantly too. Sorry I actually need to go play with him now (Mario party).Hope your having a good blessed day.
Both my boys are gamers as well and have online friends. They do not get along with their peers due to their behavior disorders and being in an IEP, taking meds at school. Kids can be so mean! I feel like a lot of ADHD kiddos and adults are gamers. God bless you and your family!!
I started my own support group through CHADD, we are located in Wheaton IL. Where are you located? You can always check the CHADD website to see if there is a local chapter near you.
We moved from Chicago portage park neighborhood during the lockdown in August 2020. We moved to Cleveland suburb. Too bad. That is interesting that you started one! Did you start it by yourself? Interested to hear how to do that if there are no local CHAADS! Is there a link to lookup groups that I’m missing? Thank you for responding to my post and for the warm welcome! 🙏🏻
I had to read your comment twice to get my question answered! I have been on the website but not sure where to go to search a chapter!? Thank you for your reply!
I'm in Chester county PA. Would love an in person group. I also have a teen
I’ve also been interested in starting a group near me in Michigan. Would love to know if anyone has had success through the chadd site.
same! I went to the CHAAD site and emailed the Ohio chapter. Per the website it appears Ohio has once a month zoom meetings. However, there is no way I would be able to pay attention and would prefer in person. I emailed the chapter to ask how I can Co-lead a chapter near Cleveland. There is a huge need and a lot of interest!!
That’s good to know! I think I emailed them but didn’t hear back. I’m going to try again! I hate zoom.
I'm sorry I did not reply about his friends. That right there is not the right friends. So sorry he is going through that. Both of our sons needs friends that support them.