I am hoping there are some parents out there who can give me some positive expereinces they have had switching their kiddo from Ritalin to Focalin. My son has adhd with anxiety. He has been doing pretty great on his current meds behavior and school wise but the "problem" is he is having to take meds 5 times a day. I feel there has to be a better option. I'n the morning (7am)he takes Ritalin 10mg IR, fluxoteine, and 1mg guanfacine. He then needs to take the Ritalin again @ 9am, 12pm, and 3pm. He finishes off the night with 2mg Guanfacine @6pm.
To give a background he has tried the Ritalin extended release (30mg) but his anxiety was through the roof. Stopped playing outside, couldn't go into any room of the house alone, petrified of bugs, lived in a very small "safe bubble" We took him off of that and went back to the immediate release 10mg and the anxiety decreased by a large amount. Once we were back at his baseline anxiety added the Fluxoteine and he is doing amazing! (He has also tried Concerta long acting and was manic)
We are pursuing seeing a child psychiatrist for medication management but its a wait to see her...His current neurologist suggested trying Focalin XR 20mg to eliminate some of the doses.
Should I just be greatful things are going well and leave well enough alone until we can get into seeing the psychiatrist? Have others kiddos had similar experiences and done well switching to a different long acting? Sorry for the long post😜