We will be starting my 6 yo on Clonodine and stopping Guanfacine. WhenI asked the doctor if we need to titrate Guanfacine first she said no that they could be replace with each other.
Just wanted to ask here if you did that for those of you that replaced Guanfacine w/ Clonodine.
My son has been on ER Guanfacine since March 2022 and it worked well but since this summer he has been waking up after 2-3 hours of being asleep and will not sleep in his room says he is scared or having nightmares. Looks like anxiety to me honestly....
So his current child psychiatrist wants him to get off guanfacine and try Clonodine at night...
Just looking to hear for those that switch how you did and any input...we are just hoping he can finally sleep through the night and have that full rest mode and see if it helps w daytime behavior which has been aggressive and combative and now raging....
Thanks so much!!