Hello, I am curious if anyone else has a kiddo who metabolizes their stimulant at a very fast rate and requires 2 long acting doses?
My son takes 20mg of Focalin at 7am and its out of his system around 1:30. We do a 10mg booster of short acting methylphenidate in the afternoon at 2pm(because thats the med he was on previous before the focalin) but again thats out of his system by 4pm and even so does not give the same benefits we see with the focalin so evenings can be challenging. He does also take guanfacine which does help some. From 7:30 to 1:30 things go so well so I have been wondering about asking to try another long acting at 1pm so would be in his system by 1:30 and out by 7/7:30.
His appetite is pretty much the same on or off stimulant so not concerned about that so much.