My son was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 5. Is very hard to get him diagnosed they say they don't test kids until they turn till 5 he was 4 at the time and because I was a teenage mother he was very rude to me told me if I cannot handle my son then you can put them up for adoption or take everything out of his room but his bed in his books. Then kindergarten teacher said something and then his first grade teacher said so I took him to Dr. Stoltz which is a wonderful doctor we tried Adderall that made him seem like a zombie. Next was Concerta which is a time-release capsule he took it 54 mg every morning till he was 13 his appendix burst two surgeries and 9 days later we go to come home we circumstances that I cannot control we cannot afford Concerta anymore so we tried Ritalin he didn't like the way it made him feel. So he has not been on any medication since then now he is 15 almost 16 and 10th grade with anger issues, short temper, a little rebellious sneaking out his bedroom window smokes cigarettes, defiant thinks he can do whatever he wants yells at his little brothers. I just don't know what to do we I've taken to a psychologist that didnt really make a deference. Any advice would be appreciated. I just don't want him to turn into an angry adult that can't control his behavior.
Struggling mom