I am looking for help with my 8 years old son who's behaviours matches those with ADHD.
He is not been diagnosed and his previous school says it is more of social behaviour.
This is really of a big concern for me as it's difficult for me to know how to help him.
We receive the same report both at school and various after school club he attends.
He doesn't follow instruction
When he is told off, he could get upset and keep to himself and doesn't want to do anything again for the rest of the day.
He forgets thing often, We have to remind him to repeatedly do certain things
He is very playful, he will jump and even hut his sisters badly
He finds it hard to seat down to do his school work
He mostly complains about everyone and most things except the majority of people praise that thing.
Most of the time he doesn't have confidence in himself, he will rather wait for affirmation but sometimes he really comes up intelligently that he can speak like an adult.
I really need help with him. He has changed school like 3 times now but we get complain from his teacher nearly every day. Same complain from his other activities.
I feel so frustrated.
Any advice is appreciated