Hello,my name is Jill and I have a fourteen year son, Charlie.( who is my life and only child.) Charlie has severe ADHD and is going into 8th grade. He is a kind, sensitive person with a fabulous sense of humor and is a outstanding dancer!! He is way, way more arty than sporty. If he could spend his whole day playing video games, that is what he would do. He is a fussy eater, his favorite food is oreos and milk. We used to have to force him to eat because he was never hungry when he was on his meds. Now that he is a teenager, he loves to eat but he's still very fussy. He loves fruit, carbs, mac and cheese. Hard to get him to try new foods.
Charlie is very outgoing and makes friends easily. He comes on super strong and it scares kids away. If Charlie wants to play with a friend, it is me that has to arrange it, host is and most of the time pick up and drop the friend off. Charlie rarely, if ever gets invited to anyone else's house. We have not had one invite and we are 1/2 way through the summer. It bums me out, so I do my best to make arrangements for kids to come to my house.
Charlie is immature for his age. He is 14 but probably acts more like 9 or 10. I held him back after 7th grade and put him in a private school. At the time, I believe that was the right decision for Charlie. He was experiencing high anxiety, which he has since had help with and it is much better.
I am struggling now with putting him in 8th grade public to prepare him for a public high school. Charlie can receive many more benefits through public education that private and I feel that is the best route to take with an IEP. Any one have any thoughts or ideas??