Hello All,
My son is going to high school next year, and I'm anxious about choosing the best fit for him. My son has ADHD and is always picking the wrong crowd of friends. I'm constantly getting calls from his current school, and when I talk with his teachers, they consistently say "your son is hanging with the wrong crowd." I'm considering moving him to a private school because the public schools in our area are having some difficulties on the high school level including large class sizes, not preparing students for college, and gang activity.
Additionally, my son is making honor roll at his current schools; however, I don't feel the school is providing a good academic foundation. I have him in tutoring once a week, and the tutor is continually saying, "The school work is not on grade level." I am a single mom and have stayed up many nights worrying about making the right decision for him. I'm worried about several things including will he be ready for college, will he be able to handle all the independence that comes with being a high school student, and will he choose the wrong crowd and experiment with drugs because he's already taking Vyvanse. I know I'm rambling, but I have been struggling with this for the last six months, and I don't know what to do. If I send him private school, it's going to expensive financially and if I send him to public school his going to expensive emotionally. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond to my post this mama bears sure appreciate your efforts.