Every school year since 8th grade (my son is currently in the 10th) my son has struggled academically. He is 15, has inattentive ADHD. He is not on meds now. He was previously on methylphenidate and Vyvanse. They both caused him bad side effects and made him ill.
He has a 504 plan and I keep serious watch over his grades. I feel like I'm in school as well!
The way education is set up today with technology doesn't help. I go into PowerSchool and see an F and my heart sinks. I'm looking through it for missing assignments, what he needs to do, emailing teachers, etc. I have done this for years and it's help him to pass classes.
PowerSchool is the worst--teachers don't put the additional program grades in and your child grade is F because they haven't put the completed work in the system.
So basically your child isn't failing, they are just behind with grading. š³
This year is different. More F's. Assignments have so many layers to them, one class can have 3 to 4 different programs!! My son's email inbox usually has 10-15 emails daily!
My son's reaction to handling all this? Don't read his emails.
Sometimes I miss simpler times. School (in particular high school) is structured horribly for our kids.
I feel lost. š¢
Am I the only one??