I have also been wondering about CBD oil for my son. We have tried adderall, Concerta and a couple other stimulants. Then we tried Wellbutrin. Nothing really helps. He refuses to complete any work at school, he argues a lot, he just failed every class in 8th grade. He’s been suspended WAY more times then I can count. Fall of 2018 he goes into high school and I’m scared he won’t make it. Anyone have success with CBD oil?
13 year old son with adhd & odd - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
13 year old son with adhd & odd

Have you asked his Dr or Counselor about it? My 13 yr old ASD son has been given CBD oil and the change in him is remarkable. He is able to tell me what is wrong, cope with situations and concentrate more...so many other things. I did speak with his Dr about it beforehand bc he doesn't take meds, they made him a different person and his anxiety was worse. I didn't want him to not be himself, I just wanted him to be able to cope with life and that has helped.
DEFINITELY worth trying and I know it's still a taboo thing to many people but it has nothing in it to make him "high" at all.
Thank you for your response! I have asked his Doctor and he said it’s worth a try. I plan to do a bit of research and try to find a reputable place to order from. Any suggestions?
You're welcome! That's great his Dr is on board. Charlotte's Web is a good one, that's the one we use and there are different flavors and mgs plus they do all of their own growing, extraction, etc. so they know exactly where it's coming from. They've worked really hard (in my opinion) to take all safety measures. It's a little pricey but I've seen many much more expensive ones that don't have this credibility.
There are also gummies and things like that you can purchase as well that are really good on the go to just keep a few in your purse.
Best of luck! Please let me know how it goes!
I tried to give my son. He said he felt tired after taking CBD oil. How much do you give to your son?
According to the mg (we have the 250), only 2-3 drops under his tongue and I try to get him to keep it there for at 30-60 seconds before swallowing. I don't let him drink for about 15 mins after. The dosage on the bottle shows that you can give much more and I have given him a lil more on occasion (before social situations, etc) but I always make sure he takes them after he's eaten so he has something on his stomach, that seems to help too. He's never really been sleepy when he takes his but he's a big kid, bigger than me now at 5'6, he's prob 5'7 or 5'8 and 160 lbs.