Hello! I am new here. I am a mother a 7yr old boy with ADHD in the second grade. He was diagnosed Feb 2015 while in preschool. I have been noticing him acting out more for his teachers as he gets older. In kinder his teacher was great with him and would always have proactive things for him to do. His first grade teacher was a little less proactive until the end of the year when she purchased a special chair for my son to keep him in his seat. His teacher this year has absolutely no patience for him. I have even gone to his class to sit with my son to keep him on task. I won't have the time soon to do that because I will be going back to work soon. Is it easy to get approved for an IEP and is a 504 plan beneficial?
School planning: Hello! I am new here... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
School planning

If he is symptomatic in class, a 504 plan is the easiest. More information about 504 plans and IEPs and ADHD is at the National Resource Center on ADHD at help4adhd.org, which is affiliated with CHADD and funded by federal grants (and no drug company money).
If behavioral and educational intervention is not sufficient, talk with his doctor about medication options. As kids grow older, the school expectations may increase faster than the improvement in attention and impulse control.
definitely get a 504 plan! my son recieved an IEP during his preschool evaluation. It was the best thing for my son and for myself because I have been able to speak up for my son at IEP meetings in regards to his needs and where he needed to be placed in school. The last thing you want to do is have your child in a classroom they cannot learn and grow in! Contact your schools consoler! ask for a 504 and they can't turn you down for a meeting regarding it! best of luck <3
Update: Son has been on Metadate since the end of November just increased dose to 25mg in February and is doing amazing and has a 504 plan which had to be revised because the teacher wasn't complying with the first set of "rules". He has had an amazing couple of weeks and happy to say that we have hope