Good Afternoon all:
I am new on this chat, this is my story. I have a 7 yrs old boy who received early intervention therapy when he was 1 1/2 until 3 yrs. I noticed when he started walking at 9 months he was tippy toeing. I went to his Pediatrician when he was like 1 yrs old and she said that was normal because his feet were just trying to adapt to this new milestone. Then I noticed my child was playing with his hands and wasn't speaking much. Spoke again with provider who recommend early intervention services just in case, my child was almost 2.He received a diagnosis of having some type of autism spectrum disorder but was not diagnosed with Autism. He received Physical, Occupational and Speech therapy but then he started Head start at the age of 3 and was responding fine so between the therapists and myself determined he didn't need the services anymore. My child did well on head start and also kindergarden and 1st grade but now at 2nd grade he is having difficulties focusing, controlling himself (Hyper) etc. I was informed about this in May 2017 when the after school program kicked him out for being out of control (not aggressive at all), but just not listening to teachers etc. I noticed his grades went down but they were improving and I always had open conversation with his regular 2nd grade teachers. Went to a Psychiatrist and a LMSW and my child was diagnosed with ADHD. The Psychiatrist want to give him medication but his father and I are not so happy about this because of all the stories we've heard regarding medications on children. My son ADHD he is not violent towards anybody, is more like shy, he is scare to talk etc. but moves a lot and talks as well. I just want to help him and give him the best treatment possible so he can do well at regular school. I don't think he needs special ed, but some accommodations to help him might be need it. I have a friend who's son have Autism and she said he is doing very well with just therapy, but he goes to special schools. I know in my state NY they have public school program and I am just waiting for 08/29/2017 for office at school to open to request an evaluation, but I don't want to waste time, but medication is something I need more help to get through it for my child. Any advice will be greatly appreciate it.