4 o'clock and it is really dark in Cambridge so off I go down past the guided busway it's nice and quiet down there not many cyclists so I can walk as fast or as slow as I want and at the moment I am doing 100m in a minute keep going down past the allotments and on to the main road past the school and round the corner towards the Co-op and then round to my workplace 4:15 still got 15 minutes so back out the way I went in the morning change the route a bit anyway got back to the car and did 3.3km and it took me 33 minutes so quite happy. Going to try an other direction today to see how long it takes.
Walking in the Dark: 4 o'clock and it is really... - Active 10
Walking in the Dark

That's as fast as I run😂Glad you're out and about Michael. 😘
Thanks I've got to keep up the fitness due to my date with the surgeon on the 29th of December
Is it just for chats with surgeon or actual op? Hope whichever it is, the outcome is favourable and you're back to wearing your pants on the outside very soon! Big hugs xxx
It is for the actual op have to see the surgeon on the 19th and i will get admitted at 2pm on the 28th for my chemical cocktail so they can have the tumour coloured so it can be cut out.
Big love Michael ❤ Will be praying... for excellent outcome, superfast healing and that you're back in your cape, saving the world before you know it. In the meantime, have a great Christmas, don't be anxious and remember you never walk alone xxx
That is a great pace, it will really help keep your fitness up.
MichaelH070862 /Michael, I was very sorry to hear about your future operation but I am sure all will be well.
Strangely enough I, too, live in Cambridge and I was trying to follow your running route from the guided bus way, the allotments and the Co-op and just couldn't quite fathom which part of the city you are. I live in West Chesterton and you?
I work on the Trinity Hall Farm Estate and can see the EMG showroom when I go outside but I actually live in Essex
Sorry to hear of your op all the best ,if its Addenbrookes I'm sure you will be fine.
By your previous post I'm guessing you are in Helions or Steeple as you mentioned Bumpstead road. If you are not able to walk so far for a while post op and have time off to recuperate may I suggest the free walking for health group Stepping out in Suffolk run by One Life thats on a Monday afternoon starting from Haverhill Leisure Centre or the Town walks or Country walks alternate weeks on Thursday mornings. I and hubby are Health Walk volunteer Leaders or though we tend to lead mainly the 3 to 4ml country routes. If you need further info there should be a new brochure coming out next week in Haverhill Library that will list all the walks or feel free to ask me. We are a friendly supportive group.
Have a nice xmas and best wishes.
Well done MichaelH070862 Your determination is an inspiration