Hi everyone,
I am a healthy, almost 23 year old. I was finally diagnosed with a 4.5cm acoustic neuroma in October 2020 and had it removed in November. The operation was amazing and the surgeons successfully removed 100% of the tumour, keeping all facial nerves in tact. I did however lose my hearing on the left side, so now have single sided hearing. I am now almost 5 months post op and have been noticing my blood circulation is dreadful. My hands and feet regularly go white and completely numb even when moving them around regularly. Also having my arms as high as my chest whilst in bed gets me pins and needles and dead arms meaning I have to keep them down. I also experience discomfort on my right hip, where I was laid on for 15.5 hours during my operation (long time right? 😂) which means I cannot sleep on that side anymore. I just wondered if this was a normal symptom of the tumour or surgery and if anybody else had experienced similar?
Thanks in advance x