Hi, I’ve had hearing aids for 8 years due to tinnitus. Recently my left ear feels very different from my right. It feels blocked and very deaf. I’ve also had 2 episodes of really loud tinnitus that I’ve never had before. When the tinnitus calmed down I had a migraine later. I’ve been having more migraines and feel tired more quickly too. The migraines affect my brain and speech and I’m now taking something preventative for them but not sure it works yet. My GP asked me to have hearing test again to check for AN and I’m hoping I’ll be fine and it’s just wax build up. I’m getting my ears syringed 1st. Worrying though, isn’t it. Wondered if anyone has had migraine as a link to it too?
waiting for a hearing test to check f... - Acoustic Neuroma ...
waiting for a hearing test to check for acoustic neuroma

Hi Dancenut! I can see why you are worrying but I think it is so very very very unlikely you have an AN, and although of course the same amount of us who do have one may get migraines as those who don’t, there is no link as far as I understand. It’s hard not to overthink/read into things but I would try to focus on really nurturing yourself and get advice for the migraines/blocked feeling in your ear and tinnitus. Those could be connnected but so unlikely by an acoustic neuroma. Let us know how you get on though! 💐
Thanks for your reassurance. Yes I hope it’s nothing other than what I mentioned. I’ve got a week and a bit to wait for wax removal and then hearing test. I’ll just have to take my mind off it. AN was mentioned too when I first had my hearing aids, as an almost throw away line, something that some people have. I suppose if I’d had it it would have been picked up then? Or does it come on at later stage? Feeling for you all. It’s such a worry when our health starts to get affected, isn’t it.
I hear you, ( pardon the pun!) about the worry stuff. That’s the thing we can do something about, rather than what is actually happening Health wise I guess. I’ve had hypnotherapy through the brainstrust and it helps me stay way more zen about everything now. Re diagnosis for an AN can only be done by MRI ( although CT can pick them up too I believe) The thing is, hearing loss and tinnitus and balance issues are very common and rarely due to an acoustic neuroma. Where these happen suddenly and only one side ( sudden hearing loss and Tinnitus) that can ( rarely though) be an indication of acoustic neuroma, but can also be a build up of wax that side, ear infection, and other issues too. So, it’s only if there is no other possible cause for the single sided sudden onset of tinnitus and hearing loss will they scan, I suspect. Mine was diagnosed by mri after sudden onset only one side of tinnitus, after checking no wax etc. Try not to panic, if no other cause is found and it is only one side that’s causing the issue, then ask for a scan maybe. Don’t Google though, it’s not your friend!! X
Thanks. Yes it does sound more unlikely to be AN. My doc said it can be picked up by the Sensory neuro…(?) (can’t remember what else he said) part of a hearing test. I may have got those words wrong too! He said they always do that test as part of the hearing test? After that, if detected, then a CT scan or MRI would be the way forward, as you said. I was sceptical that a hearing test could confirm it, I must admit.
I doubt a simple hearing test will be able to confirm or otherwise. You need to speak to your doctor to arrange a scan
It seems like you're managing a mix of conditions related to your ears, hearing, and headaches. The alterations in sensation in your left ear, such as the feeling of blockage and loss of hearing, along with the instances of loud tinnitus, are quite worrisome. Furthermore, the migraines you're encountering, particularly when they come with neurological indications and speech problems, demand attention.Given the intricacy of your symptoms, it's a good idea to arrange for a thorough medical assessment involving both a specialist in ear, nose, and throat (ENT) matters and a neurologist. Your primary care physician has already
proposed a hearing test
, which is a good initial step. This assessment can help in detecting any hearing-related issues and offer valuable insights into potential underlying reasons.
Thanks for this advice. I had an interesting time at the hearing test and ear wax removal. I hadn’t had my ears looked at to see if there was wax but def felt there was, especially in the left ‘blocked’ ear. It turns out there wasn’t any wax in either of the ears, nor any signs of infection etc. I was very surprised. I had used oil spray in my ears for a week leading up to it. Maybe that made a difference but I still felt my left ear was much duller than the right. The hearing test showed my left ear had some ability to hear and that it hadn’t deteriorated much from 2 years ago. They felt that they didn’t need to do any more tests. That left ear had seemed even more blocked than before but maybe that’s just it deteriorating in hearing ability. I think the onset of very loud tinnitus I had made me more worried than I should have been re AN. The good news re my migraines is that the doc prescribed a low dose of beta blockers for my stress and anxiety (mostly due to my mum being 94 and in worrying health) and they seem to be doing a good job at keeping the migraines at bay. When I do get the onset of one I take a paracetamol and that combined with the beta blocker seems to stop it in its tracks. It’s early days and I haven’t been as stressed recently, so we’ll see. But as I was previously having them a few times a month, that’s a big improvement.