These depressions are mild but enough to make my life hard going. I always come up again but never feel sure I will. Could it be a case of my mind being over tired. Since the onset of depression many years ago I am unable to do nearly as much as I once could and have to balance my life carefully.
I have chronic depression. My mood ca... - Above & Beyond - ...
I have chronic depression. My mood can be good for months then one day I wake up and am low. for days or weeks. Usually there s no reason.
hi i myself have suffered from depression since 2002 alone ,now dropped by state due too welfare reforums concertration problems
memory loss confidence .
underminded by family .
treated like a idiot ,on top of feeling like so.
iam hear too chat listen .
I would recommend this book: 'Get it done when you're depressed' by Julie A. Fast. She suffers with chronic depression herself, and has worked with a health professional in the book on ways to get you going even when all you feel like doing is staying in bed.
I found it refreshing because it's not saying that there is a magical cure to feeling better about yourself, it's more about accepting an underlying condition and realising that it's not necessarily how you feel before you do stuff, but getting you to the point of doing stuff even though you don't want to. 9 times out of 10, once you start you feel better anyway because of positive feedback loops in your brain.
Very sensible to recognise that you have to balance your life carefully - but if avoiding activities is adding to the negative self-talk cycle, then you may not be doing yourself a favour in the long run.
When I'm anxious etc about being in a situation, I give myself a time limit, and know that afterwards I will have some 'down' time, on my own, decompressing the energy. Different tools work for different people.
Hope this helps.