I hadmy gall bladder removed last year and apart from some complications with would healing, I have felt really good. I now have to take 2ml of lactulose each evening to prevent constipation. In the past few months I have noticed that I experienced what I can only describe as irritation and a sense of tenderness ( up my back passage area) This makes me feel quite low and generally unwell untill it passes , which could take some hours. I dint eat food high in saturated fat, nor do I eat processed or junk food. No takeaways. Everything home cooked has anyone else experienced this?
Flare ups?: I hadmy gall bladder removed last... - Women's Health
Flare ups?

Quite likely that passing stools has caused irritation and possibly even tears or early piles. Constipation does this even when you take lactulose or similar. Use mild piles suppositories after passing stools . This heals the lining and sort of oils it so that stools slide more easily. Use suppositories particularly when you feel the sensations you describe but also whenever your system is slow. Anusol 4-way has a mild hydrocortisone which is good when you feel the irritation and tenderness but use the ordinary 3-way most of the time as you shouldn't use hydrocortisone all the time.
Thank you so much for replying. I'll look in to this. I don't suffer from constipstion, and don't have to strain to have a bowel movements. I'll look I to these products though and see if they help. Thank you for taking the time to reply.
In your case I would definitely be reporting symptoms to GP. It is possible that your system is being 'hurried' by the lactulose and so the stools are a bit more 'acid for want of a better description. In which case suppositories would still help. I repeat, in your case I would be pushing to get some medical investigation