What causes skin peeling on fingers near nails - Women's Health

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What causes skin peeling on fingers near nails

lisianacarter333333 profile image

Despite the hard work you do with your hands daily — type away your day with, cook your food with, bathe you with, push your pens with, and practically almost every activity that you do daily — it’s not surprising at all if you haven’t been giving your hands the attention it requires. Most people only begin to care when they see skin peeling on fingers near nails and surprisingly end up being puzzled, “Why?”

What Are The Top Causes Of Skin Peeling Around Fingernails?

Most of the causes are due to mundane activities while some are directly affected by your lifestyle. Listed below are the Top 10 causes of skin peeling around your fingernails that you probably haven’t thought would cause you dry skin before:

Read More Here: thebeautyinsiders.com/dry-s...

1. Harsh Nail Products

If you like giving your nails special treatment once or twice weekly then, you should check on your nail product labels to determine if these might be causing the skin around your fingernails to crack. All nail products can potentially damage your skin but, most especially, acetone in your nail polish remover, toxic chemicals like toluene and formaldehyde in your nail lacquers, and possibly drying alcohols in your cuticle softener. Even your or, your salon’s nail cleaning techniques can cause the skin around your fingers to dry out.

2. Harsh Skin Products

Now you know that just because these products are branded as hand creams or lotions, that does not automatically make these beneficial for your skin. Harsh soaps and other personal care products are just as likely to suffer skin around your fingers. You should stop using products that contain potentially harmful and irritating ingredients such as denatured alcohol, and allergens like perfume and artificial dyes, most especially when you have sensitive or hyper-reactive skin.

In some cases, your hand cream or lotion may also not be moisturizing enough. If you have inherently dry skin, most especially when you have skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, you should seek products that not only restore your skin’s ideal hydration and moisture levels but also strengthen your skin. Use products that contain aloe and ceramides to serve as a treatment for dry skin around nails.

3. Detergents

Strong detergents, most especially the ones containing toxic ingredients, possibly including your dishwashing gel, laundry detergent, fabric conditioner, and multi-purpose surface cleaner, can ruin your hand skin. Other than considering milder, more naturally formulated alternatives, you should also actively protect your skin by using appropriate work gloves.

4. Unfavorable environment

Weather that is too hot or too cold can ruin your skin, in general, including skin around your fingernails. Seasonal changes in temperature and humidity can, likewise, ruin your skin, most especially when changes are abrupt. These conditions cause your skin to become dried out and flaky.

Staying indoors for the most part of the day is one of the best ways that you can help your skin recover from dryness. Set the air conditioning to a level that you find the most comfortable and plug in a humidifier as much as possible to keep indoor air from sucking out moisture from your skin.

5. Hot showers and hot baths

The best water temp that promotes skin health is lukewarm. Like the weather, water that is too hot or too cold can dry out and damage your skin. Bathing with water that is other than lukewarm will cause your skin to become wrinkled and flaky as the water strips away your skin’s natural oils.

To further promote restoration of ideal hydration and moisture levels, immediately smooth an oil and top with a thicker cream if you have an inherently drier skin type. If you have oilier skin, you might want to settle for sheerer formulated lotions or a film-forming body oil. On days when the skin around your fingernails are visibly cracked, consider topping off your oils, lotions, and creams with petroleum jelly which should help prevent surface water loss.

6. Insufficient water intake. Moisturizing from the outside will never be enough to keep your skin hydrated 24 x 7. You need to drink up on your liquids, water most especially but also blended fruits and veggies whenever you can which should help bring up your nutrition levels. Keep a bottle of water in your purse so you should never suffer from thirst and, worse, dehydration even when you’re on-the-go.

7. Poor nutrition

Attempting to get your skin healthy without working on your body’s overall health is pointless. You should appreciate how your skin is only one of the vital organs of your body and is connected to the rest of your body for proper functioning. That means the foods that you fuel your body with effect how your skin behaves. So, make sure to eat mindfully and to make smart food choices throughout the day, every day.

8. Overworking your hands

Constantly scratching your fingers against surfaces, most especially when rough, including paper, causes friction that can damage your skin. Exposing your skin to materials like adhesives, glue, paint, and similar office and hardware supplies can also give way to the cracked skin. Use appropriate work gloves when you can.

9. Stress and sleeplessness

These two make for a dangerous combination when it comes to ruining your skin. These factors cause cortisol, the stress hormone, to spike which, in turn, causes several abnormalities in your body that affect your skin health, among many others. Giving yourself time to relax and catch more sleep alone can help improve your skin situation.

10. Certain medications and diseases

Diabetes causes the skin to become chronically dry and irritated. You should get yourself checked if you notice itchy, dry and swollen skin. Better managing existing skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and contact dermatitis can also help you keep your skin from drying out.


Dry skin is one of the top causes of skin aging. While you may be putting a premium on preventing your face from showing wrinkles and other signs of aging, you should start looking into cracked skin forming around your fingers, most especially when this is chronic. It could just be a simple sign of skin dryness or, a symptom of an underlying illness.

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lisianacarter333333 profile image
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3 Replies
Karm profile image

Any chance it could be raynauds syndrome. Is there any cold hands feet. Hands take a while to warm up? Hands hurt. Sometimes hand weakness??

lisianacarter333333 profile image
lisianacarter333333 in reply to Karm

Raynauds Syndrome disease causes some areas of your body such as your fingers and toes to feel numb and cold in response to cold temperatures or stress. As per the research, Raynauds Syndrome does not result in skin pealing. Generally, hands take a while to warm up. If they hurt or feel week, one should consult a doctor. Read my article if you face dehydrated or dry skin on fingers thebeautyinsiders.com/dry-s...

Karm profile image
Karm in reply to lisianacarter333333

I have raynauds and the skin near my nails peel are very dry at times and are a bit raised or swollen. Everyone's symptoms are different and different for different conditions.

It's a crazy world of conditions and symptoms lol. X

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