Just wanted to share with you something I tried and worked to stop cold sores- to my surprise! At the beginning of the year I was pretty stressed and having one cold sore after the other (seriously). So I naturally stated looking for some sort of solution (anything!), I bought some pretty crappy equipment that heats up the area when the cold sore just appears and another one that is a light (that you cannot see) - I don't recommend either of those as they are expensive (about £35 each) and I did not see any improvement.
Another option I tried after reading online for a bit was taking l-lysine supplements. I bought 1000mg tables and started taking one a day back in July. I cannot say for sure if that was the reason, but I haven't had a cold sore since I was also thinking that maybe I even had a lysine deficiency or something that was causing me to all those cold sore break downs Considering lysine is an amino acid (rich in meat) and I am vegetarian, it could be related....
Anyway! Hopefully that can help someone struggling with cold sores.
Or vegetarians with lysine deficiency...