I have had a stressful night, or better put a disappointing and hurtful evening and sleepless night. I must not slip now. My progress in these four weeks is keeping me going. Please do not let me slip, because if I do it will be so much harder to pull myself out of a slump.
Please do not let me slip :) - Weight Loss Support
Please do not let me slip :)
Hi 2Bhappy
I know the feeling. It would be so easy to comfort eat to ease the pain. But by sticking with the plan you will feel so much better long term and you will have proved that you are strong enough to beat this temporary low.
We're all behind you and will not let you fall
Dear Hogwoo,
thank you so much for your swift reply. I can’t pester people around me with my diet and exercises, and I am not doing that with my private problems either. But I do need someone to tell me, to reassure me that this will pass and this programme is an important investment in myself. Once more, thank you.
Imagine your ideal body. Keep imagining it. Visualise it in your mind. Then remember that the only way to make this visualisation come true is to stick to the plan. Stick to it and you will get the satisfaction of succeeding! Binge eating is a monster. Conquer that monster.
Imagine your ideal body. Keep imagining it. Visualise it in your mind. Then remember that the only way to make this visualisation come true is to stick to the plan. Stick to it and you will get the satisfaction of succeeding! Binge eating is a monster. Conquer that monster.
Hi Hogwoo,
I'd be inclined to look at it like this.
The comfort you might get from comfort-eating will probably not be nearly as intense as the sense of control, self-determination and personal success - you know that kind of smug Yes! I did it! - that you'll feel if you keep riding the bus.
Control and resistance feel great. I am just smiling
Thank you Pguid, for all the support. Not only did I decide to stick to the diet plan, but I also made a new life plan. Binge eating was just a response to a temporary crisis. The thing is, and I would like to share it with members of this community, that control over my diet has helped me to get through a rough situation. Before this 12week plan and calorie- counting I would probably overate last night and went to bed with feeling of disappointment. Now, I am just making new plans accordingly to changes.
Your post is an encouragement to all of us. Life can be pretty grim at times and you have really met this head on and gained control.
You did not start your weight loss programme on Monday Morning, because I did, this is my 3rd week. Coming Monday I hope to reach, for my 1/3 of the way, for 12-weeks target.
Looking forward to be happy (behappy) when I hope to achieve my 10-12kgms loss of body fat weight.
Keep it up
gogglomoglow, ( Means round y round y cuddly cuddly )