I had fatty liver for many years now but I didn't know, all I knew I had bad pain under my right side of my ribcage, I could never eat rich foods like lamb or meat, cream etc because I used to get the pain baldly. I complained to doctors for long time but they have just diagnose me with fatty liver and I have to loose at least 2 stones. I am 1.79 mts high and 80kg. give up coffee and of course bad fats. eventought I don't eat a lot of fat, don't eat cakes, biscuits, crisps and all those things people call naughty things. I even given up alcohol which I used to like from time to time but I have not drank since October last year. I think this fatty liver is hereditary thing, my mum had it and was used to healthy eating, doctor say some people don't break fat easily and that seems to be my case.
I want to know if there are any of you... - Weight Loss Support
I want to know if there are any of you who is regular here and are trying to loose weight?

Hi cerrito,
Firstly, most people on this blog are losing weight or thinking about it.
Read around the past blogs and you'll find there are plenty of regulars here.
Then, I would suggest you read around the NHS live well lose weight pages. Plenty of excellent free advice about food, exercise, nutritiion and even a free 12 week plan.
Put your statistics into the BMI calculator and discover your Body Mass Index. To be honest, at a glance at those figures, I would say you're probably only slightly overweight, if at all.
If that is the case, then you maybe need to discuss with your doctor(s) how your medical condition might impinge upon your efforts to lose weight and vice versa. It seems to me that they aren't asking you to lose 'excess' weight - as is the case for most people around this blog - but are advising you to take you BMI down to the lower end of the normal band.
The basic principles and indeed the methods are much the same, but the task will be harder if you are starting at a (near) normal weight. It would probably be good to get some input from a dietician, as ensuring what you eat gives you a full range of nutriets will be particularly important for you. And there may be foods that might exacerbate your condition, or perhaps be beneficial for it.
But, as with losing 'excess' weight, it's really about re-training yourself into new habits.
Good luck.
Hi Doikosp,
Thanks for your reply, I am not getting much help with the doctor, he just said 'loose weight' I have gone around in the forum and I really like it. I feel like there is a good feeling with the people and this is what I am looking for something to inspire me. so I want to start loosing the weight and slow.
Hi Cerrito,
Good luck with it. I reckon it will be harder for you as you're starting at a normal(ish) weight, but if you struggle, don't hesitate to ask your GP for assistance, e.g. referral to a dietician, or other professional help.
I too have been told I have a fatty liver I don't drink eat well however my doctor did not tell me to lose weight although I do need to lose 3 stone all he did say was that as some people get old it happens
Hi Rainbow,
Even when I was on my normal weight I had this pains, that's around 35 years age, now I am 45. I am just happy to know what it's the pain related to. Need to avoid all fatty things and coffee for me is a killer. It gets very painfull.
Also diagnosed with fatty liver last week. My doctor also unconcerned when I said I was planning on dieting. He just said the important thing to do was drastically reduce fat intake and also salt. The only symptom I have suffered with is intense lethargy. I also don't drink.
Hi TubbyTii, Doctor send me to do ultrasound and blood test. he wrote to me saying they found fatty liver and this was the reason for my pain, then said I should loose weight. I don't eat fats because I learned they gave me pain but never been fun of fats or sugary things anyway, I take probably more salt that I should but my husband complains I don't put enough salt on food when I cook.
This week my liver was hurting and so was my head. I took ibuprofen for the headache and I found that the pain on my liver went at the same time. this is first time I notice this. I also think the fatty liver might aggravate PMT, last month I almost lost my job as a consequence of bad PMT. I will give my best shot to lose the weight.
Hope you get better.