Right, first of all I'm 22 and 6ft 2. I have always been "plump" since I became the one who always had seconds in brownie camp. A couple of years ago I decided to lose weight. It was easier when I had moved away from home for uni as I could control what I would see in the cupboards. In the space of 6 months I went from 14st11 to 12st. I was so happy with the way I looked and I felt more confident than ever. Unfortunately around the end of these 6 months, my boyfriend at the time and I, split up. I drank a hell of a lot and partied most of the time.
I loved looking at the pictures from my 21st birthday as those photos signified the new, skinnier, confident, me. Inside, however, I was a mess. I had several miserable months and made a few wrong turns. At the end of 2011, I met my new boyfriend. He made me feel loved and that was all I needed, or so I thought. With the new relationship I forgot about my diet and enjoyed myself, knowing he loves me no matter what. My weight crept on and when I started to notice I stepped into the scales. 13st10! I'd put back on over half the weight I'd spent a long time trying to get off. I would look at myself in the mirror and think I was hideous. I wondered where my confidence had gone and realised that being thinner gave me that. I thought it came from someone else appreciating you but it's not. It comes from you appreciating yourself and I can only do that when I'm thin.
So I decided to do something about it. I started the couch to 5k plan. I completed the couch to 5k plan. With a 10lb weight loss. So I was 13st just before Christmas. It's now crept up to about 13st4 and now I'm looking at my eating habits. I thought exercise was a tough nut to crack for me so I thought I'd give this weight loss plan a go.
My goal weight is 11st 7lbs
My current weight is 13st 4lbs
Weight to lose is 25lbs
I have a cruise in October to go on, so that's my target. I am just about to finish my current job and start a new one on Monday so I shall start Monday. I work nights at the moment which makes it difficult to get into a routine with food. Hopefully when I start my 9-5, it will be a lot easier.
Well I just thought I'd share a little about me and I hope to read all of your inspirational stories so that I'm motivated to stay on track.