hello I’ve not been here for a long time but I find myself in a pickle. I’ve lost weight and put it back on in yo yo cycle. I am now stuck despite sticking to my calorie count if 1500 I find the weight isn’t moving at all 1 pound on 1 pound off. How can you put weight on when your in calorie deficit. This is me I’m so upset I am trying my best but for some reason it’s not working 🥹
Struggling and I don’t know why - Weight Loss Support
Struggling and I don’t know why

Hi Microbabe and welcome back, I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling, I'm sure that if you have a look around you'll find some useful tips. I suggest that you concentrate more on what you're eating rather than how much. This link could help:
As some things may have changed since you were last active on our forum, this is the link to our pinned posts where you'll find everything that we have to offer. Including our Daily Diary and weekly weigh in.
As always participation is the key to succcess, I hope to see you back with the Saturday Superstars
Good luck🍀

Hi Mircobabe, sorry to hear you are stuck in that 1 up 1 down stage. It is really hard when stuck in a rutt. Are you still losing or are you trying to maintain?
Others will probably have amazing ideas but for me when I was stuck in a rutt I actually increase my calories for a week and then reduced back down. It seemed to give my system a bit of a reset and allowed it to get back into the swing of things.
Hi thank you for reply I am really trying to lose . It’s so easy to put on but so hard to lose. I think I am going to give your idea a try as I feel I can’t go lower on my food intake ☺️
Yeah it has something to do with our metabolism needing a boost or something to reset itself. I didn't increase it by a huge amount either, I can't remember exactly how much I increased by but it wasn't something detrimental. I hope it works for you but if not I hope others will have some good ideas.

Hello Microbabe, I am with you being in a pickle but this is the right place to find inspiration and help. I hope things alter for you going forward. Take care x

Hi microbabe, similar advice to Beth really, have a week off and get back to it, or even switch to a different type of regime, try going low carb for a while rather than calories counting. Hope you manage to go in the right direction.