Would cooking with a air fryer help with calories counting, thinking of buying one..thanks
Hi team: Would cooking with a air fryer... - Weight Loss Support
Hi team

I decided against buying an air fryer firstly because my counter top is full, and secondly because I have a new electric oven and induction plates.
Here's the link to Springer's specials, all about air fryers.

Hi, I don’t know about counting calories because that’s something I gave up doing years ago (after reading that calories from carbs are processed differently from calories from fat). I love my air fryer, use it most days. Having cut out potatoes, I make chips from lower carb turnips. I noticed that in another post you mentioned a low cal curry ready meal, for me that would be a no no as 50% carbs, a quick and easy meal for me using the air fryer would be chantenay carrots with a teaspoon of flavoured oil, and chicken portions with crispy skin. (Air fryer does a great job reheating ready roasted, even quicker when you’re short of time and hungry. )