Everything about me:
• Female
• 23 y/o
• height 1,65cm / 5‘4 foot
• weight 112kg / 249 lbs
I have to lose 4kg‘s (11 pounds) so I can get a liposuction because of my Lipodema (or Edema, however you call it). My insurance covers it because I‘m at the 2nd-3rd stage, which is awesome because I didn‘t want to be a financial burden to my family. However they want me to have a specific BMI for that. And I‘m over it. I just have to lose 5-4 kilograms and thats it.
Now the crazy part: I did the exact same thing as I did one year ago, and the years before that:
Excessive workout and changed my diet completely out of fear that nothing might work. Then I slowly started to relax and eat the stuff that I like, but with limits. I went swimming twice a week for 3 WHOLE hours and went cycling every single day for 1 hour and that all helped me. Lost 10kg in like, 3 months. Which was huge last year!
Now.. I‘m doing the exact same thing. But nothing changed. My weight keeps fluctuating everyday.. I weigh myself everyday to write it down on my calorie app. To see the line chart and stuff. It goes up and down, up and down. From 112kg, to 113kg and even 115kg, like today. Even if it said something else yesterday. In the first week (that was last week on Feb 13th) I noticed that I was malnourished because I just moved in into my new place and I had no fridge. So I didn‘t buy any cheese, bread (I don‘t eat that much bread so I put it in the fridge so it doesn‘t get moldy) etc. I only have eggs, apples, water, oats and my low fat quark that I eat with my apples (I put the quark in my balcony).
So that was basically what I‘ve been eating. Then others pointed out, that thats the reason I can‘t lose weight. I immediately went to the mall and got some new food so I can cook. I hop on the scale and I see how the weight gets higher, then low again, higher etc.
It messes with my mind.. is it to early to see results? Or is my stress and impatience overwhelming my body? I don‘t know what I am doing wrong. I‘ve wasted my entire youth by not enjoying it because of the edema on my legs. Now I almost could‘ve gotten my long awaited surgery and now this. I know I‘m extremely close but its like I can‘t reach it.
Am I rushing myself? How do I calm down from this? I don‘t know what to do anymore, seriously. I got my period yesterday and the only thing I ate was sausages with some bread. Nothing else. And today my scale said 115kg instead of 112kg, what I had before. Like, what? I know that fluctuations are normal and that I shouldn‘t worry myself too much but it still does. I have to weigh 108kg for the surgery. But it gets higher and higher. How is that possible? I don‘t eat anything bad at all.. how can swimming twice a week for 3 whole hours and cycling everyday be not enough to lose weight all of a sudden?