I wanted to share something I have been doing and learnt through my attendance at over eaters anonymous.
In OA I heard it said that if you are anorexic you dont need to overeat to gain the weight back you just have to eat normally and that it is also true that if you have gained a lot of weight through over eating you just have to eat normally to lose weight until you become a normal size.
So most people in OA have a food plan , the most common one is called the 301. Three meals a day nothing in between one day at a time. I personally have four small meals a day. I am to eat roughly 2000 calories a day as is the norm for most women. I avoid all refined sugar unless planned well in advance eg my Birthday I plan to have a piece of cake.
The problem with the calorie deficit advice and reducing calories below a normal amount is that it leaves you constantly hungry and is unsustainable. The way I am doing things is for me frankly easy. Weight loss is no longer a big battle. I lose about a pound a week almost effortlessly. OA has the highest long term success rate of any weight loss programme and I get quite cross that the NHS never mentions it as an option.