I struggle with cardio but I’ve been working out 5 5 times a week for the past month, I’ve only lost 1kg I can’t get up and look at myself anymore I feel sick I hate what I see I hate myself I hate my skin I can’t breath well all the time I felt like I starved myself for the past month and nothing 1kg that’s so shit please help me I can’t live like this
please help : I struggle with cardio... - Weight Loss Support
please help

Hi BananaBandit2 and welcome to this amazing forum. I suggest you spend some time clicking about to find your way around. It's easier if you have a lap-top as there are several threads.
Have a good read of the pinned post “Welcome Newbies” and follow every thread.
Here’s the link to the pinned posts,
Working out and eating too little is not always the right solution for a steady weight loss, sometimes we need to look at what we're eating and when we're eating it. Here's a post which explains why.
I strongly suggest you read and contribute to the Daily Diary and participate in a Weekly Weigh in.
You will find there's loads of tips about better eating, from other members. Sharing your daily menu not only helps you stay committed, it can help other members too.
Good luck I hope to "see " you around.

It sounds like you've been working so hard for the last month and it can really knock you back when you don't see good results. What you eat plays a far more important role than exercise in weight loss (though exercise has many benefits for our health and wellbeing) so I suggest that, for the next month, you spend some time looking at your food choices - what you eat rather than cutting down and cutting out. As TheTabbyCat says, you'll find lots of ideas from forum members so dive in, check out the posts and start chatting to people about their choices.

The foods that make you put on weight are inflammatory and that inflammation can restrict your airways. After you've cut out those foods (refined seed oils and carbs esp. processed ones) you'll find it easier to work out but until that point you needn't worry about working out, just keep it to a walk of over half an hour twice a day. Don't starve yourself just cut out tbe carbs and seed oils
I am sorry that you are feeling that way. Please don't give up and feel that you are not progressing. The challenges when you are trying to maintain health and wellbeing are inevitable but can be conquered. I understand that it can be very frustrating when the scales don't reflect your hard work. I know that feeling too well because I felt the same way.
What I did was to leave the scales alone and pick up my tape measurements and it also boosted my motivation.
Get a dress or item of clothing that you would like to fit into and try it on weekly or every two weeks, you will see that your hard work is ripping results.
Remind yourself of your 'WHY' why you want to do this, how important is it and rate it on a scale of 1 - 10. For me when I was loosing motivation my WHY was my cholesterol levels after my blood test results showed it was 6.8 and high. I am still working on my nutrition and exercise regularly to get it down with my weight 86 kg . i do cardio exercise 35 mins 4 -5 times a week, i keep going by constantly reminding myself of the numbers 6.8 and the risks to my health and wellbeing and it works each time i have that negative voice or feeling.
I need to lose 16kg and i did tell my doctor to allow me do it naturally rather than put me on medication. I am hoping that the next time i go back for my review there would be visible changes. This again is my time scale for losing some Kgs not all of it.
i have cut down on carbohydrates, sugar, portion sizes, i cut out snacking and have a cut-off time for eating. i keep my mind busy by listening to motivational audio books with positive messages and i am learning everyday.
I keep it real and realistic, and more so one day at a time. i know and understand that it will take sometime to get to where i want to be but i am hopeful and maintaining focus and determination. We can keep supporting each other and the support from the forum is priceless.
Stay strong, stay motivated and i hope my story shared informs that you are not alone.