This is a healthy treat
Treat: This is a healthy treat - Weight Loss Support

That just looks like nice food. How is it a treat and what is it a treat for? I think talking about "treats" can distort our way of thinking about good, tasty, nutritious food

It is in built into me from childhood with I was often seen to earn treats when I did homework schoolwork tidy bedroom there you go...
You can't have so and so until you've done so and so ...
You make such a valid point here . I was a good girl if I sat and ate every scrap of my food . I was deemed ill or very awkward if I didn't . Saying that my parents fed me well and my plate was rarely loaded . Working in a supermarket when my kids were younger and overhearing - You aren't having sweets unless you stop shouting or be good so you can have a treat when we leave the shop . Oh - yes - it is common . As adults we can vary our treats . I treat myself to a new T shirt , find time to read , buy something for my neighbour, invite myself in for a coffee and a therapeutic moan . I had to wean myself off all those foodie snacks and if I cleared the ironing I would have a large bag of whatever I could find . It wouldn't have worked in fact I now know what I was doing wrong .