An Inspirational Weight Loss Story Tha... - Weight Loss Support
An Inspirational Weight Loss Story That Really Speaks To The Truth Of The Problem.

Hi MintTeaMascara,
Haven't seen you around in a while! Thanks for the video. I like the sociopsychological link in the video , very interesting and the link between self talk and achieving goals.
Hi :)Nice to hear from you!
I'm not around much these days. I've been stuck at the very top end of my healthy bmi for a while now.
Just came across this found it interesting so thought I'd share. Glad to hear you've found it interesting too.
How are you?
Hi MintTeaMascara,I am doing ok and a bit like you not around much at present as family stuff has taken over a bit !
Has the video helped you think about things ?
Majorly. The message of focusing and really listening in to self-talk around food, and what my relationship is with food, has really got me paying more attention and is opening my eyes more and more to all the subconscious meanness I've been subjecting myself to 🤍Hopefully it's a lasting change. It's definitely helping.
Has it helped you much so far?
I have forwarded her to a friend and have ordered her book from world of books. I am trying to use her principles but, just went away for the weekend so, haven't eaten as to plan.

I am trying ! My issues feel external and that is where I feel things need to be addressed. By this I mean eg my daughter who has autism and her distress at going to college. While I am waiting for things to settle here, it is easier to eat on the fly and then not feel ok in my body when I have put weight back on. Getting the balance right takes time sometimes and being kind about these blips is what I am doing to the best of my abilities.
I hear you. College isn't the most stable or safe of environments even for those of us without additional difficulties. It's one of the reasons I homeschooled my son. He's in college one day a week at the moment and that's more than enough for both of us 😆
I hear you. Short term relief! I pray things get easier for you.
I hope you're able to find your sense of safety again soon 🙏