I don't exactly know how/what I'm suppose to do as far as "reporting"my weight and such. I just kind of do my exercises or walks to try to lose weight. Also I have a question. We use pounds in the U.S. What exactly is a "stone"? I've seen it used and not sure how many pounds is a stone. Maybe not a good question or be it silly but I've never used stone in weights. Kind of like horses being so many hands tall, everybody hands are different sizes . So my mind runs a little wild with stones,pounds, hands etc...
Interesting: I don't exactly know how... - Weight Loss Support

Here is the link to the weigh in. Just click on it and then reply to wa2un7 who is this weeks host.
You can post in pounds if that is easiest for you. Some of us in UK weigh in stones. There are 14lbs in a stone. Also a lot of us use KGs. If you weigh in pounds thats fine.
Exercise is great if you want to lose weight but what you eat is more important. Having a plan to follow will help you stick to it. There are many different plans. Its a case of finding what suits you. If you have a look at the daily diary you will see what plans people follow and get some ideas.
Hope this helps
It does help. I am really a picky eater and I really don't do veggies, oriental foods, or just healthy foods in general. I feel bad about that but I was raised by eating what I like to eat. Basically I'm a meat and potatoes kind of person and no veggies. I only eat corn and sometimes peas. I guess that's one of the reasons I fell off the map here because of people posting food that I know I won't eat at all. So I have to improvise and skip meals. I know that's not a healthy option either. So I really have a problem eating healthy foods.
If you want to lose weight you need to think about making some changes. Could you cut down the things you know are unhealthy. Try a new food. You might find you actually like it.
Have a look at the NHS BMI calculator and find the calorie range for you to lose weight. Then plan your meals working out what calories you are eating. You can use an app to make it easier. Then you can begin to make changes. There are lots of recipe ideas in topics. Springers specials are great too. Look in pinned posts using the link I gave you to find them.
Making a start is the hardest thing. Good luck.
Many awesome options 😁. My friend found cauliflower pizza.. At Publix of all places. Spaghetti squash yes, it's real lol 😂 with a little sauce. Even chips have options..
Hello and welcome. Thank you for your support. You are right. There are lots of options.
Are you on your own weight loss journey or just here to support. Either way you are very welcome here.
Here to support.. And get support.. I have a love hate relationship with food. Since after college and part of it. I was always low weight naturally... But I did a crash diet in college my cycle stopped... And now my metabolism is still messed up years later.
Would you like to join the Christmas challenge too? Here's the link, it'll be great to see you there x
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope things are better for you now. The main thing is to focus on eating as healthy as possible.
All support is much appreciated here and we can help you in any way let us know.
I don't eat fried. Greasy, saucy foods.. All natural.. Only spices no added salt.. I like 🍫 occasionally and snacks... In moderation
I'm 5'2 between 94 and now 101... Usually 96 highest.. I have been told by a family member I look fat.. My face too Compared to other family members.. Friends and people on tv..and it was how I used to look and don't I care
Your family member must be jealous of you. You are NOT fat. It sounds like you are spot on where you should be. I would ignore them. If I could be spot on with my weight like you, I wouldn't care what anyone said. I'm 200 and my ideal weight should be 170. How do you keep from eating greasy foods? That's my biggest downfall.
I try not to be to critical of myself if I gain a few pounds.
Im not a big supporter type person but if you lose weight I'll gladly cheer you on . It's harder for some because of personal issues or chemical imbalances or what it may be. I can only do my best.
Thats how this forum works. We all cheer each other on and support each other. Keep coming and cheering and we will cheer you on.
I eat some times when I am stressing out and I am around certain people and I can't process my feelings around them.. Because I have to put on a facade instead of processing and moving on.
I do the same. When I get nervous around people, I stuff my mouth so I don't have to say anything when I don't know what to say.
It's more around family.. I have to be super happy even if I am not.. I'm so sorry you feel that way
Sorry to hear yours is family. Shouldn't be that way.
It started with my grandmother. Appearance was very important
If my mind serves me correctly grandma's feed everyone until their BMI is over 40. Grandmas loved to cook. Mine did fed everybody
One of mine did 🤣.. I do miss her tho I could talk to her about fashion... Guys.. She was cool.. Just appearance mattered. When I was staying with her even though no one was around in her condo was concerned what I wore to get the mail in the lobby
Good memories
Definitely😁.. I work around fashion in a way to honor her.. My grandfather was in the wholesale end and loved sales.. I get to do both at the same time every day.
That's quite an honor for you to do that. Do you design or model?
Im not tall enough to model, though I have done fashion shows in college. I sell clothing at a National/ International chain
That's interesting. I didn't know you had to be a certain height for modeling. I've never been to a fashion show but maybe in the future. I've seen shows that do fashions and the posture and the walk they do is so refined. Just by the conversation I can tell you have a passion for it.
Stress is responsible for a lot of weight issues. Many of us fall back on comfort eating when we are stressed. Finding ways to cope will help to avoid reaching for the treats. You have the right attitude about not bring self critical when you gain.
it's funny , I told my friend the same thing. You can exercise all day, but if you eat a whole cake , then it was like you never exercised. It's math - obviously, eat less calories than you burn off. Which is easy to say , until the cookies🍪 start calling you LOL

Hi, did you mean to report your weight on the Christmas challenge? If so, click on this link
and reply to me there with your weight x
Im at 200 right now. Was 219 a year ago.

i used a food journal for a while it really made me think what I was eating and find the things that I could easily cut out also switching to the diet version of things helps diet soda not regular soda skimmed milk rather than whole milk buying a small Starbucks coffee instead of a large and drinking at least a pint of water or diet drink before eating when you are hungry helps water can really cure your hunger and if it doesn't thenit will make you feel fuller quicker
Those are all good ideas. I do skim milk and diet soda. I need to cut out diet soda altogether. Need more exercise. Also need to find fat free french fries, fat free pizza. No, I just need to eat better and smaller portions.