Loosing weight: I have been working on a... - Weight Loss Support

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Loosing weight

Herman7275 profile image
Herman7275Restart June 2024
18 Replies

I have been working on a low carb diet since 2019, lost 60 lbs got another 50 lbs to go. But I feel 100% better and not hard to stay on track !!! Ron

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Herman7275 profile image
Restart June 2024
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18 Replies
ThyroidDeb profile image

That's great Ron. I've lost 21, puts me at that 7%-10% where it's "suppose" to start reducing liver fat...Deb

Nat107 profile image
Nat107Visitor in reply to ThyroidDeb

Your doing great Deb, how many carbs is your daily intake max please I have hypothyroidism/ords and so hard to lose weight with it but Keto I did until I slowly drifted off it and out all back on, trying more sustainable low carb instead now tia

springersrule profile image
springersruleModerator76kg in reply to ThyroidDeb

Morning ThyroidDeb and welcome to our forum. I've given you a visitor badge as it looks like you've just dropped in to provide support but if you are on a weight loss journey yourself please give me a shout and I'll give you a full welcome ❤️

I note you post on the Fatty Liver forum and wondered if you'd seen this. It might be helpful xx


ThyroidDeb profile image
ThyroidDebVisitor in reply to springersrule

Thanks for the welcome. I'm really not on any particular diet, I am using the suggestion from the Liver Foundation. I am trying to get into a nutritionist but Medicare doesn't pay for one under liver disease so they are trying to get an exceptions, can you believe that! I wish I had understood fatty liver and wish my doctors would have taken it more seriously back when I could have turned it around. Now the damage is done so I am doing all that I can to stop anymore from happening. So, right now I don't have a problem sticking to a diet but what I'm doing won't work long term. I want to lose all I can but not too quickly, which is my problem although I'm doing okay. I am not a vegetable fan without butter and salt, so trying to find seasonings is difficult right now until I learn. Love fruits but try to limit those, not a fish fan but trying to eat that, no beef, chicken, turkey, whole wheat, eggs, olive oils, cereal with fiber, coffee, tea and water. As most people too, we aren't rich and some diets are expensive. I am not married but have a partner I have always cooked for and he still wants the same foods. So trying to cook for him and myself is difficult. I try to make my meal ahead. If they had a food plan of pre-made foods I could eat, would be very helpful for a few meals per week. Unfortunately too, I don't really like spending a lot of time cooking, so that's a problem too lol

springersrule profile image
springersruleModerator76kg in reply to ThyroidDeb

That sounds like a real struggle food wise and i hope they do make an exception to get you a nuritionist to work with. Best wishes xx

Nat107 profile image

That’s brilliant well done. can I ask how many carbs did you cut Down to daily please as I was on strict Keto then fell off it few months ago and now put all weight back on so back on but trying to do low carb instead of strict Keto tia

springersrule profile image
springersruleModerator76kg in reply to Nat107

Morning Nat107 and welcome to our forum. Do you want to join us to help you on your weight loss journey? I have given you a visitor badge for now but happy to change that if you would like to be an active member. Thank you for coming to support others, that's what our forum is all about.

I have tried sticking to keto but it never lasts long as its just too low on the carbs for me. I do Low carb/healthy fats instead and keep my carbs to no more than 50g per day. I find this much more manageable and easy to stick to. I have an underactive thyroid too and i have to say it doesn't seem to have stopped me from losing weight, maybe i'm just lucky lol. xx

Nat107 profile image
Nat107Visitor in reply to springersrule

Hi there, I don’t think il be gaining any badges unfortunately as my weight is so up n down like a yo-yo, due to my thyroid and lack of mobility. But my hubby has never had a problem with his weight being hypo, he can eat what he wants and never puts weight on so he’s been lucky like you which is quite rare for hypo’s. I’m at the moment having 100g carbs a day and my usually Keto healthy fats, but will eventually drop to 50 again, I was doing 50 a day but went a bit stray due to one thing and another so just went for a bit of everything I was missing with doing Keto haha so back on it but now I’m doing low carb to maintain easier because your right it is very restrictive being 20g a day which I was doing, felt great on Keto though and looked good. But occasions popped up after a stressful 2 years so I went to pot lol I will help support others when I can but in regards to me il just plod along unless a miracle happens lol lovely friendly group this so glad to be a part of it with you all x

springersrule profile image
springersruleModerator76kg in reply to Nat107

Oh your lucky husband, I can't eat anything i want but made major changes with my food, minimal processed foods and cooking everything fresh and from scratch. I've made friends with a lot of veg i didnt like before and fish lol When i started my weight loss journey i had a fractured femur in the knee joint and had to wait a year to get a knee replacement so my mobility was really affected then. I found quite a few videos on youtube that i could do and that got my muscles working again and got me fitter. Once the knee was done i did the couch to 5k programme and have done a 5k park run too (i hadn't done any running since my school days haha) I've switched to a treadmill for the winter months as my knee op was in June and haven't wanted to risk slipping or falling on it.

Feel free to look around and support wherever you can If you change your mind and want to participate in full just let me know. I'll be more than happy to welcome you to this fab group xx

Nat107 profile image
Nat107Visitor in reply to springersrule

Arr thank you that’s very kind of you. I too had a knee op years ago for cartilage tear but never been the same, swelling & starting again now his it was. But I have a few health probs that stop me gif being able to exercise snd I loved going to the gym which I can’t do now. I wish I could enjoy veg I just can’t do obsess I add spinach to my smoothie and get something that way. Terrible Fussy eater I am with veg. Well done you doing couch to 5k that’s a great achievement. Wish I could exercise I miss it. Good for mental health too. Hubby lucky thing. Only think about Keto though my cholesterol is creeping higher and they were pushing statins we both said no as I think it’s my thyroid and not my diet. Thyroid has lot to answer for with us & our family. Causes so many probs yet some people are fine, wish I was one of them. Thank you for the lovely welcome x

springersrule profile image
springersruleModerator76kg in reply to Nat107

Oh i only used to eat tinned peas and sweetcorn lol Memories of home and school cooked to a pulp veg put me right off!! I now stir fry or roast my veg and stick some sort of seasoning in and really enjoy it. I don't do spinach, i've tried it several ways but just don't like it.

The fracture i got destroyed the cartilage too - because of covid it was 3 months before i was diagnosed with the fracture and consequent damage. The videos i found were mainly seated ones and although i couldn't always keep up, i could do enough for me to keep trying. It definitely helped with my mental health too. My knee is now better than it was even before the fracture (i have osteo, psoriatic and traumatic arthritis).

Just keep plugging away at trying to eat as healthily as you can. The more good days you have the better and healthier you will be for it. Best wishes xx

Nat107 profile image
Nat107Visitor in reply to springersrule

Yeh exercise bike is a really good help after a knee op my consultant told be that as low impact but great to strengthen your surrounding muscles to support the knee. Glad yours is lots better mine was too straight after recovery but just gradually went bad swelling lots i fluid but think work played a part though overdoing it too soon. I can’t stand too long now and it swells. But I think after a trauma nothing is ever the same again for anyway and as you no osteo kicks in with arthritis etc . But your doing great and I will keep on going, feels like Iv been on some diet or eating plan many many years now always been a struggle for me my weight. Great to have a plan though goid gif mind & body having a set goal x

springersrule profile image
springersruleModerator76kg in reply to Nat107

I bought a mini bike - pedals on a frame lol which worked well for me. I cant do ordinary bikes because of my hips. That really built up my leg muscles ready for the op and since.

Ive been overweight since i was born at just under 10lb, ouch lol. I did lose just over 100lbs many years ago but there was no advise about maintaining in those days so it just went back on with more. As my mobility decreased and i slowed right down due to pain i just got bigger. This time, with the help of this forum and the threat of bariatric surgery looming over me i've actually done it and found a new way of life with eating that i know i can stick to. Yes the odd curve ball throws me off track but i get straight back to it as quickly as i can and i'm now very close to the weight i think i should maintain at. I've gone from 153kg to currently 74.8kg. People don't recognise me lol 72kg is my goal but i'd quite like the even number of 70 :-) xx

Nat107 profile image
Nat107Visitor in reply to springersrule

That’s brilliant, losing half your starting weight, i too have a portable cycle they are really good and I sat high up on the arm of chair then swapped to sitting in the chair and that way it’s like having the 2 types of bikes they use in the gym, the high & lower. Poor Mobility does play a big part in weight issues I no that as always active before and with now having hardly any exercise can feel the impact if just doing diet alone. Il start mine again on Monday, can’t start any other day of the week but weird I no lol I’m not surprised people don’t recognise you you practically cut yourself in half with your weight loss brilliant that is so well done. Keep it up until your happy then just maintain and not be so strict as with wanting to lose. Gives so much encouragement when losing each week x

springersrule profile image
springersruleModerator76kg in reply to Nat107

Oh i'm a monday starter too mostly so snap, we're both weird 😂 I wish you luck with trying again from tomorrow ❤️ xx

Nat107 profile image
Nat107Visitor in reply to springersrule

Haha we are, great minds think alike lol good luck to you too lovely xx

DartmoorDumpling profile image
DartmoorDumplingRestart Feb 2024

Well done on your efforts. I know, from having relatives out in the states, how hard it is to eat carefully when friends and family are forever cooking for each other! Do you have any nice places to walk or exercise? Whatever you have been doing seems to be working.

amykp profile image

If you are doing keto/serious low carb: don't worry so much about healthy fats...at least not at the start. There is a lot of controversy today about what "healthy fat" means anyway.

I've been keto now for about 6 years and eat all the eggs, cheese, butter, bacon, full cream that I want...and my bad cholesterol has not changed at all. What if you try it, and have your blood tested after about three months?

Keto diets are a LOT easier to stick to if you don't limit your fat.

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