Mind over matter: I will like to share... - Weight Loss Support

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Mind over matter

Haidi profile image
16 Replies

I will like to share an interesting experience I had years ago.

I had managed to reach my target weight doing a different program ( 3 stones lighter than I am today ) , and was very happy with it. Only few months later I noticed the weight slowly started creeping up again. I was on holiday in my country which did not help matters much. I tried to avoid invitations but one come I could not refuse.

The person inviting us wanted to be elected mare of this part of town and the food was going to be out of this world. Alarm bells rang. Then an idea come to me. I got myself ready and before I left the house, I sat on my bed and with much concentration told myself repeatedly that I was going to go to the banquet, that I was going to enjoy myself, but was not going to indulge in any of the fattening foods but only eat what was healthy and slimming. I did this for about 30 min.

I went to the event, I was there for four hours, talked to friends and total strangers ( usually reach for food to compensate for my shyness ) . The food was out of this world, everybody tucked in with second and third helpings. I only had a salad and some fruit.

Not for one minute did I mind or felt deprived. I had a lovely time and the next day I was lighter on the scales. Clearly it was my kind of hypnotising myself that did it.

I don’t know why I have not repeated this little experiment since. But I am planning to try it again soon as I am getting rather concerned that I have not lost weight the last few months.

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Haidi profile image
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16 Replies
TheTabbyCat profile image

Hi Haidi, thanks for sharing "Mind over Matter". I had a similar experience a couple of weeks ago. I did exactly the same thing but instead of it being about food it was about not starting to smoke again. An old friend was coming to stay, I've been an ex smoker for 3+ years now, my friend still smokes. The problem is that if I drink alcohol it weakens my willpower, it's happened on other successful quits. So I did exactly what you described everyday, the week before she came it never occurred to me to cadge 1 ,even after several prosecco!!

I'm not sure if we're hypnotising ourselves but it's definitely mind over matters and it's definitely successful. :)

Haidi profile image
Haidi in reply to TheTabbyCat

Great to get your reply TabbyCat ( what a great name). I was wondering if anyone else had a similar experience. So good to know it also worked for you also even for a different addiction. I think in my case I feel I hypnotised myself. But obviously for you it did not feel the same. I will very much like to try it again but more times as you did.

I used to be a smoker like yourself and gave up 35 years ago. It was the hardest thing I had to do. I went from 90 cigarettes a day to 60 then 40 and then cold turkey to 0.

Luckily I can’t tolerate more than a glass of wine occasionally. That helps.

I was only tempted once after the initial two years but resisted as I knew it was going to get me back to square one. After the first 3 years I never craved again and I don’t allow people to smoke in the house as I now dislike the smell.

It is hard when you got friends that smoke but it seems you got it successfully worked out.

A friend told me that if you are really tempted to eat something that you shouldn't that you should imagine it tasting like something you don't like.Sprouts do it for me


Haidi profile image
Haidi in reply to

That’s a good tip Chrissy. Will try it. Although I might have a bit of a problem there as I pretty much like everything, !!

Hi Haidi I can do this but do allow myself treats sometimes. After going away for 5 days and gaining weight I told myself I wont do that again so the next holiday I went on I told myself over and over not to have the cooked breakfast and no deserts in the evening. I stuck to it and didn't even miss it. If I felt tempted I thought of those scales on my return. I can do this for evenings out too I decide what I am going to have before I go and tell myself over and over and actually imagine what my plate looks like then on the evening that is what I order as I have been looking forward to it for days. I am looking forward to winter as hopefully wont be asked out so much . I think it is mind over matter. I also plan all my meals in advance for the week this helps me to stick to it as I tell myself that is what I am having and do not think of anything else. I suppose it is will power really and being really focused . Of course I am human and do fall astray sometimes. This is where this forum comes in. I have been maintaining now for over a year. Take care and good luck with your journey. Also well done to everyone who has given up smoking. I used to smoke in my younger days and it was the hardest thing to give up. Now I cant stand the smell of smoke and certainly would not allow any one to smoke in my house. X

Haidi profile image
Haidi in reply to

Great, Mind over mater worked for you too Carer. Working out what you are going to eat a week ahead is an interesting approach. Must see if I can try this. It looks like you reached your target weight if I understood right. If so lucky you.

Thanks for your good wishes I certainly need the encouragement.

in reply to Haidi

Yes I have reached my ideal weight and have maintained for over a year now. You can do it too. Remember its mind over matter LOL. We are here for you when you need support. This forum is amazing and is the reason I stay so focused. X

Haidi profile image

Hi CarerThat is very encouraging. I have over the years repeatedly managed to reach my target weight, only for it to gradually creep up with a vengeance!!! I am sure that this group will help me and it looks like the answer is to keep connecting with it even after on reaches target. Everybody seems so supportive and caring.

Well done for reaching your target and maintaining it.

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone

Hi, would you like to join us on our weigh in today? It's great for keeping you focused, here's the link, it'll be great to see you there! :-) x


Haidi profile image
Haidi in reply to Lytham

Hi LathamThanks for your message. I just returned home from an all day class.

I usually weigh myself in the morning before I eat anything.

I am not sure how this works. I thought I was suppose to weigh myself once a week (in my case Saturdays ). What would you recommend? Also do people weigh every day? Please let me know. I am not even sure where to write my weight.

Computers are not my forte!!!

Thanks again


Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Haidi

They're not my forte either but if you click on the blue link I gave you you can join us on Wednesday s weigh in but if you prefer you can join Saturday's? :-) x

Haidi profile image
Haidi in reply to Lytham

Hi LathamI just saw the link you are referring too. I don’t see any harm in weighing myself on Wednesdays too and will do so next week.

Thanks so much for your help.


Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Haidi

Awe brilliant, look forward to catching up with you on Wednesday if you're joing the Wednesday weigh in instead of the Saturday, good luck for the week ahead :-) x

Haidi profile image
Haidi in reply to Lytham

Thank you Lytham and for your encouragement.

I was hoping I could do two weights in, Saturdays and the Wednesdays. Is that possible? If not and I started my initial weight in on Saturday does it mater if I change the days?

Let me know at your leisure.

Thanks again


Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Haidi

Ah you can join any day but you have to stick to one day a week I'm afraid. I'm sure our paths will cross elsewhere though, the Christmas Challenge will be starting next Saturday, I'll see you on there :-) x

Haidi profile image

Thanks so much for prompt reply Lytham. Will stick to Saturday weigh in then. Look forward to liaising on the Christmas challenge. Sounds nerve wracking!!!

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