Loads going on with my health and now I could be pre diabetic I am very over weight so this doesn't come as a surprise to be honest ashamed of myself, I've got a massive op coming up and I need to lose weight every little bit will help can anyone from experience what I can do to help my blood results? I'm willing to work hard to turn this round I really don't want to go on medication many thanks
Possible pre diabetic : Loads going on... - Weight Loss Support
Possible pre diabetic

Hi and welcome, Buddysmum124
No need to feel ashamed, many of us arrived here afer a health scare and have successfully lost weight and reversed diabetes. Here's something for you to read that should help healthunlocked.com/weight-l...
All of the information you need about the forum can be found in Pinned Posts healthunlocked.com/weight-l... and we hope you'll be joining all the Events, Challenges and Clubs that we run, especially a weigh-in and the daily diary.
We've found active participation to be key to successful weight loss and, of course, it's a good way to get to know people, find inspiration and share support and encouragement.
Wishing you all the best
Hello Buddysmum, welcome to our friendly community. Firstly, I will say that I agree with moreless, the weekly weigh in and Daily Diary are vital. Furthermore, you will get to know a fantastic bunch of people. I believe support is the main ingredient in a weight loss plan.
Okay, there really is no need to be ashamed. It can be counter productive anyway so start by holding your head up high. Nobody here will judge you. I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes nearly 10 years ago. I went on a healthy eating weight loss plan, bought an exercise bike, walked and......reversed the pre-diabetes. It can be done.
Although, for various reasons, the weight piled back on in the last few years, I decided to join this site for the brilliant support as I couldn't do it alone a second time. You've definitely come to the right place for support and encouragement.
One thing I must mention, if anyone you know, whether it is family, friends, neighbours or total strangers in the street, says anything to make you feel ashamed then come to this community before you start getting despondent. You are now doing something positive so I will shout it out - HOLD YOUR HEAD UP HIGH. Good luck and best wishes.

Thanks so much for that really lovely message, I need to look for the daily diary as this sounds like it could really motivate me xxx thanks again xxx

Hi there, I was pre diabetic too and dropped sugar, swapped white potatoes for sweet potatoes, white rice to wholegrain rice, and moved to wholegrain pasta. I feel this really helped. I also upped my fruit and veg. You can definitely turn it around 👍
Did you manage to avoid medication?? How long did it take you to turn it around??
I did avoid medication. I started my weight loss journey in October/November 2019 after getting the pre diabetic blood result. I was also found to be anaemic. Because we went into lockdown a few months later I was never informed that I had actually managed to reverse the pre diabetes and only found out when I had blood tests for something else much later. So it was actually within less than six months. I was very surprised I managed it.
Hi buddysmum please don't be ashamed I started my journey back in May last year weighing in at a staggering weight of 26 stone 6lb and my weigh in day is a Monday yesterday I weighed
18 stone 2lbs a loss of 8 stone 4lbs now if I can do it you can too. We are a great bunch of people who are on here for the same reason please come and we can share the journey together. I'm off insulin doing my eating plan. All the very best in your weight loss journey xx
That's amazing well done and thanks for the welcome what diet plan are you following if you don't mind me asking??
Thank you Buddysmum I'm doing LCHF low carb high fat I've been on hundreds of diets in my lifetime I'm going on 58 and it's the first diet I say diet but I have never classed this as a diet cause its a way of life I can never go back to how I use to eat. So I don't eat any bread rice pastries pasta grains flour it's endless but what I do eat is natural food no processed food at all xx
Oh that sounds interesting what sort of meals do you eat? I'm following ww but trying to cut out all processed food drinking water etc more fruit and vegetables! Is there a specific plan you follow or have you just researched yourself ? Xxx
I think moreless gave you some you some things to read take a look at them and you will find lots of different ways on not only losing weight but the types of foods you can eat that will suit you xx

I really recommend michael mosley fast 800. I was prediabetic after my 1st child and wanted to sort it out to have my second. My bloods had settled between my 6 week appointments. I didn't enjoy it and couldn't live on it, but it did the job quickly!

Hi Buddysmum124, first you can really see that you are NOT alone. Health scares are..well..scary and I'm so happy you've found this forum as it is a great support as well as a place to share our ups and downs. I was prediabetic and the NHS have an amazing programme over 9 months or so which teach you about eating and changing our way of life. I'm in the middle of it and my bloods are now within acceptable parameters. A huge cause for celebration. It also guides on moving more rather than necessarily formal exercise.You've made a great start by trying to up your intake of fruit and veg. Just try not to do anything that isn't sustainable in the long term. Michael Mosley is great but try to think about how long you want to follow him for as a plan that strict can have a nasty backlash (I do know that for my sins!) Good luck. Be well. Be positive.
Oh no what happened with the MM plan with you?? I'm trying to just eat better less rubbish and control my carbs and calories off for my test soon x
Thanks for replying! Just put on after MM as it was too restrictive for me. Good luck for your test. Maybe ask your GP practice about being referred for the the NHS programme?
I never stuck to 800 calories. As you say it's too restrictive. If you are following LCHF you don't need to count calories. I found the information in the book useful and there are some lovely recipes which I used and still use but which are great for LCHF but just use them as part of your meal plans. You sounds like you are doing well on the NHS programme so well done. You are lucky to be on it. There are long waiting lists in my area and I never got on it. Keep the good work.
Yes, the recipes are useful, thanks for reminding me. I didn't realise there were waiting lists for that programme as I was referred and started the next month. As it is all remote now, it might be worth making enquiries if you are still interested. There seems a lot more availability when it is not face to face. I couldn't make one of the meetings and so went on another session where the tutor was chatting away from Lowestoft and I'm in Greater Manchester.
It was some time ago and pre covid. I was referred in late 2018. Maybe it's easier to get a place now it's all online. From reading on here and reading books like Michael Moseley's I think I did what they would have told me anyway. By summer 2019 my blood sugars were normal and I was taken off BP meds in November 2019. Fortunately all has remained normal and I still follow LCHF but I am more flexible now and don't worry too much about the odd treat or meal out.
I'm sure you will find the same thing. It's great that LCHF is sustainable because it is a lifestyle change not a diet and has to be to ensure I don't go back to where I was then.
Oh that is wonderful, Gizmocat that you have turned your health around. Yes, it has to be a lifestyle change, that is for sure. I just am still making too many mistakes. Thank you for setting such a great example. One day maybe I'll proudly have a badge with MAINTAINER on. (2 years, I reckon)
Will def ask about this what's it called??
It is the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme. It is led by some lovely professionals. My leader is a personal trainer and his interests show through but one I joined once had a lovely retired nurse who was really into the preventative and struggled with all the things we chat about on the weight loss forum. However, the programme is the same whoever leads it. They give booklets and other guidance as well. Good luck with the journey, Buddysmum

Hi. I was prediabetic and had high BP. I have lost 19kg (about 3 stone) switched to LCHF diet and my blood sugars and BP are normal. You can reverse prediabetes as others have also said. I founds Michael Moseley's Fast 800 and 8 week blood sugar diet books useful. There are also recipe books to go with them. I didn't stick to 800 calories. The most important thing is to reduce carbs especially bread, potatoes, pasta and rice and eat healthy fats. You will find you are eating less calories anyway.
I never got on the NHS course due to the waiting list in my area but if you get on it I think it is useful but a lot of the information is available on here and other websites anyway. The dietdoctor website is great. There is lots of information and a starter plan.
Try posting your meal plans on the daily diary. You will get lots of help with planning your meals.
Good luck! You can do this!
Good luck on your op. I’m prediabetic too. I’m checking my bloods about twice a week. I try to watch what I eat. I’m very obese too. So my thoughts are with you as you try to reduce before your op. Xxxx
I think you may find this useful too, Maltishi healthunlocked.com/weight-l...
It is that xxxxxx