So the last time I logged into this app and wrote something was 3 years ago!! Can’t believe how fast time flies!
An update of what happened in those 3 years:
• I went from a size 18/20 to a size 12/14.
• I was a few pounds off my goal weight of 12 stone, from 16 stone.
• Life was good and I had a whole new confidence I never thought I could have!
Reason why I’m back!
So after being off work for mental health reasons and lockdown too I put on 2 stone+ and my weight is at 15 stone 11 pounds... I was 13 stone 11 pounds before lockdown!
I want to get my body back and lose weight and diet/exercise but getting back into it is the hard part so can anyone offer advice or inspiration wether that be photos or quotes. I just need something to bounce back Xx