So back to work/school tomorrow amd decided getting a plan for the week would be good as the daily diary has been excellent so far. So planned the attached, posted on the fridge and here. Then shopped for all the ingredients. No excuses.... and the boys also know the plan. Should add there is lots of salad and veg in the fridge to accompany the meals... this is going to lead to positive progress week.
Getting Organised....: So back to work... - Weight Loss Support
Getting Organised....

Hi scoutypat, that is very organised, well done! Making me feel stressed, I’ve got to walk 4 grandchildren to school, give them breakfast do their hair teeth, books spelling, then collect from school do their evening meal. I’ve not done it for 6 months. I think I must get as organised as you🤔I think some things might get left as I’m very rusty, and I had such a lovely routine before lockdown. 😊
Didn't mean to make you feel stressed. Leave the reading and spellings for after school, Even when mine were little amd I was childminding, we never managed more than breakfast, teeth,hair before school.
I think lots of us are going to struggle with getting a new routine going. I have just decided to use it as an opportunity to organise myself (just as I used lockdown rules as a kick up the bum to make me exercise, cut out the junk food and start loosing the weight some ill health made me gain.
Good luck with getting the school routine back and running.
I am not really stressing as it will be their mums getting told off if I get them there late🤣. To be honest I have never been late although negotiating the one way system might be a challenge on day one. I will have to go in the school back out and then back in again and out again. At least I’ll get my exercise for the day. Just hope they are happy to go back, there all so little you never know. Fingers crossed. Congratulations on your organising, so impressive.👍
Oh wow Flo-jo 😳 and I'm concerned I'm going to have problems getting one 3 year old to nursery one morning a week lol 🤣
Your the mum, so more stressful, i’m the nan, I’ll just apologise and act senile or dumb if I get it all wrong, just got to remember what child has what teacher, it’s only 3 in school one is coming back with me, but he will only be with me for two days as he will go back to nursery😁
No, I'm the Nan, with plenty of experience having 3 of my own 🤣 My Grandson is dropped off with me on Thursday mornings at 7.30. He loves it here and I'm worried that one I have to hustle him out the house 1 hour later he is not going to be impressed. Our going to his house instead of him coming here just don't work. I can see it is going to be fun 😁
🤣🤣sorry my mistake, I don’t know why I presumed you were the mum, oh don’t worry then, just act dithery, I do that quite well. I have two 5:year olds in different classes so just have to make sure they get the right teacher! Could be interesting if I drop them off at the wrong class, they don’t know where they are going either.🤣
Perfect! Sounds delicious! You’re a good example to me... I’m going to try to be better at planning. 😃
Well done for writing a plan and sticking to it when shopping. You'll soon have Hubby trained (we live in hope anyway)

That looks like a really good plan and I'm sure it will help you this week. Can I come to yours for Sunday dinner?

I love this 😊 I don’t have kids nor do I work in education but there is something about Sept starting that makes me want to get organised! I’ve spent some of my day planning too! You have great variety on your menu - it must be hard to juggle weight loss and feeding a family but it looks like you have it under control 👍🏻
Thanks Food4Fuel. September always feels like the start of the new year on my home... i have new diary, filled pencil case, new trainers .... excited to meet my new students Wednesday, and remeet the ones I have again from last year.