Hi, I'm new here: Hi, I've tried all... - Weight Loss Support

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Hi, I'm new here

24 Replies

Hi, I've tried all sorts of diets over the years, some partly successful but many not so. I've found that sensible eating and plenty of exercise is key, now all I need is sufficient motivation to begin and see it through.

Having put on weight during the lockdown like I am sure, many others have, I've decided that with the easing of the lockdown on the 4th July then that is the date to be fully committed to my diet. So will start cutting down tomorrow and trying to do more much needed exercise so that I am fully on my diet for next saturday.

Any advice or tips you may have would be most welcome.

24 Replies
IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello and a very warm welcome to the Weight Loss Forum Hidden

You most certainly are not alone in gaining weight during lockdown, it has been a most challenging few months. I would suggest doing lots of reading and thinking about an eating plan that will work for you and your lifestyle, this post would be a very good place start healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...

If you haven’t already then please read the Welcome Message in Pinned Posts here healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... Please read it carefully so you can find all the information you need to find your way around the forum.

As a peer to peer support group we rely totally upon mutual encouragement. Nothing beats joining in, reading posts and replying to others. Our Group Weigh-in and the Daily Diary are probably the best places to start

Best wishes in your weight loss journey

Indigo 😊

Evening and welcome DenBoy70

My tip would be to join in with some of the different posts. I started on here about 4 weeks ago and all have been really supportive as a community.

I like posting on daily diary and pinching others food ideas (Tuesdays has started: healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... )..

I joined a weigh in (never thought I'd share my weight with lots of people I didn't know) and all are supportive - we cheer each other on.. Tuesday trimmers has started - there's a group every day: healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...

I even joined the drinkless posts (as someone who was denying any calories in booze because I like wine and beer this is a harder challenge for me - one I'm up for)..

There's other parts to the site too - posts where people share tips on exercise... Books they've read... Just have a chat..

Anyway - my too long answer is...

Dive on in - explore - Post and reply to others and I hope you get benefits from it

Good luck 😊👍

in reply to

Hi Violet, thank you for your tips and kind words of encouragement.

So much to read but slowly working my way though it, so many kind comments from everyone on the forum, just what I need to get motivated.

N-o-r-d-i profile image

Hi, nice to see you here. I believe a lot of us tried various diets before - I certainly have. Tried and failed all of them so far... well, not true actually. Any time I lost some weight the diet was successful. What didn’t work was not going back to bad habits after stopping or abandoning a diet. Eventually arrived at attitude check and started looking for a lifestyle that suits me, rather than a magic diet 😊 good luck for you and let today be the day when the successful journey towards healthier you started!

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to N-o-r-d-i

You haven't failed them, they have failed you 😊

N-o-r-d-i profile image
N-o-r-d-iMaintainer64kg in reply to BridgeGirl

Well, a mistake in the thought process, I would say 😊 ‘I’ll lose wait and will live happily ever after” 😊

N-o-r-d-i profile image
N-o-r-d-iMaintainer64kg in reply to N-o-r-d-i

I’d need to learn to spell first before living happily ever after 😂 weight, of course, not ‘wait’ 😊

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to N-o-r-d-i

It's been great to see you and some of the other new arrivals getting involved and encouraging others. I hope you find a plan that works for you, for good 😊

N-o-r-d-i profile image
N-o-r-d-iMaintainer64kg in reply to BridgeGirl

Thanks, that’s the point of the forum though, isn’t it? 😊 People are really nice on here, I’m glad to have joined.

in reply to BridgeGirl

Hi BridgeGirl,

How nice to receive all these positive words of encouragement from everybody, it will certainly help in the journey ahead to a more healthier lifestyle.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to

I'm sure you'll share the support around, too :)

in reply to N-o-r-d-i

Hi N-o-r-d-i, Thank you for your comments.

I have learnt the hard way over the years that there is no magic diet plan where you lose the weight you want to and then live happily every after at that weight. It never works and slowly the weight creeps back on.

The answer is as you say to develop a lifestyle that works for yourself and helps you maintain the weight that you are comfortable with.

So today is the start of a new beginning.

Sazza47 profile image
Sazza47 in reply to N-o-r-d-i

Sounds like me ! I’ve decided to calorie count and average my calories over the week. I plan 3 meals with scope for a lolly or two ( they haven’t got that many calories) . My meals include healthy changes ( e.g more veg more calcium good Protein) I don’t want to see food as a sin but part of life and have it in moderation and have small portions. Good luck

in reply to Sazza47

Hi Sazza47, I like your style, always good to leave a few treats in your diet, otherwise you soon get bored with it.

Sazza47 profile image

Don’t think about what you’re missing it what you’re gaining .

Progressoverperfect profile image
ProgressoverperfectHostRestart June 2024

Good morning and welcome, I joined this group of beautiful people at the beginning of June,I now feel i have found a such a supportive, encouraging, group that I know I will succeed in developing healthier habits that become part of my lifestyle.

Why not start on the first of the month? As the saying goes 'don't put off until tomorrow, what you can do today's.

( that's usually my mantra when I know its run day ans the weather is crap 😂😂)

Onwards and downwards, with support and encouragement from this forum, you'll smash it!!😊

Good luck 😀

in reply to Progressoverperfect

Hi siggie, thanks for your words of encouragement, I only joined yesterday and have received many posts of support, which will spur me on.

I’ve taken your advice and started my diet today, as you say why put it off.

Good luck with your diet, looks like you are doing well.

Progressoverperfect profile image
ProgressoverperfectHostRestart June 2024 in reply to

Good stuff!! Well done!! The first step is always the hardest, but I'm sure you'll do great!

Nanna42020x profile image

Hi Denboy

The fact that you have a plan in your head is half the battle . Men seem better at losing weight in the groups I have attended . Just try to remain focused that’s my aim .

in reply to Nanna42020x

Hi Nanna, I tried so many different diets, some when l look back were quite extreme.

After many years I found that the best way for me was to eat healthily, don’t snack in between meals and also make sure I exercise, but also make room in your diet for some small treats.

I agree with your view in that I also think men seem to lose weight easier, but I also think women are much more determined and have much greater willpower when they set their minds to it.

Good luck going forward.

Nanna42020x profile image
Nanna42020x in reply to

I have my first weigh in tomorrow I always find the scales are my enemy so after tomorrow may just stick to the measurements. People don’t see a couple of pounds off but they do see inches !!!

zinza profile image

Welcome. It`s awesome to have you here working hard with us.

Have an amazing Tuesday.

in reply to zinza

Hi zinza, thank you for your comments.

You have a good day as well.

Nanna42020x profile image
Nanna42020x in reply to zinza

Thank you hun , I wish I had a magic wand for us all, I think we all know what to do it’s just so hard to do it day in day out . Good luck with your journey

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