Help desperately required, where do I ... - Weight Loss Support

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Help desperately required, where do I start 😩

Hmgy profile image
27 Replies

Hi I’m new and feeling very demotivated, I’m at my heaviest of 24.6 I’m 5,9” female, I have PCOS, hypothyroidism and fibromyalgia so loosing weight seems like a loosing battle I crave sweet things I’m eating even though I’m not hungry, my job is very stressful and so I comfort eat I have very little energy and a lot of pain and wondering how on earth do I start this ? I’ve been a member of SW for years on and off but find in the last few years it’s just not working for me. I need to loose weight and I want to loose weight I feel so unfit and rubbish all the time I just don’t know where to start and how to stay motivated to do it for more than a day any help greatly appreciated 😩

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Hmgy profile image
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27 Replies
BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone

Hello and welcome Hmgy

It sounds like you're ready for a change, and change is what you need.

First, I recommend you take yourself to the Thryoid UK forum and talk to the very experienced people there about how you're managing that side of things. Here's the link

Then, I have some information about the appropriate way of eating for people with PCOS.

Here's some reading

... and a video, under 20 mins long

I see from your profile that you have a nursing background. Forgive me if I'm wrong but I have the impression that learning about nutrition has a very small place in the curriculum, whereas the low fat, high carbohydrate message is everywhere. Where you are at an advantage is that you'll have a head start in understanding about the role of hormones and, if you keep an open mind and make the changes you need, I'm sure you'll soon be seeing and feeling the benefits

You'll find everything you need to make the most of the forum in Pinned Posts, here I recommend a weekly weigh in and the Daily Diary, for starters.

The forum is set up for sharing information and support so, wherever you go, please chat, ask questions and encourage others: that way, we share the support around. You’ll meet some wonderful people along the way who will be happy to share their successes and struggles😊

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to BridgeGirl

Sorry, Hgmy, there's a problem with posting links so I'll have to do them one by one.

You can find Thyroid UK forum by going to My hub at the top on your screen, click View all your communities and you'll be able to search from there.

Here goes with the PCOS links

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to BridgeGirl

2nd PCOS link

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to BridgeGirl

It looks like the video is working. Please let me know if it isn't as it gives a very clear explanation

Helenlouise39 profile image

Hi, I'm new here too. I also have a busy job and four children and a very sweet tooth so constantly end up picking through the cupboards and eating the kids stuff 🙄

A friend of mine has tried for years with SW as have I to lose weight unsuccessfully. She recently started the NHS plan sticking to 1400 cals per day and has so far lost 2 stone! I'm inspired by this but dreading sticking to 1400 cals as SW is huge portions of free food isn't it?!

I think start slowly, don't expect too much too soon.

My plan is to start tracking calories daily using fitness pal as it counts them up for you.

I need to actually weigh stuff and be honest with calories too!

I am being more active, jogging 3 times a week. Its was really hard at first and I literally felt like I was going to collapse but now it's more comfortable and I'm starting to enjoy it.

Choose anything you think you would enjoy! Even if it's jumping around in the lounge to some good music!

My biggest downfall is that I turn to food for everything, when I'm happy, when I'm stressed, when I'm sad so basically everything. When I'm at work I can't wait to get home for wine and chocolate and I feel like I've had a rubbish evening without it. I need to change my thought processes on this and I'm not sure how yet!

Talk to people, share things that work, and if you fall off the wagon remember it's only one day and tomorrow is a new day...... It doesn't need to become a whole week.

I'm hoping this works too x

Good luck x

NannyEJ profile image
NannyEJ in reply to Helenlouise39

It sounds like you are really motivated Helenlouise39 but it will be really difficult if you only have 1400 cals per day. My Fitness Pal doesn’t account for personal differences and gives just a generic figure. I suggest you go to the NHS BMI checker and enter all of your details. This should show a range of calories for you to eat based on your weight, activity level etc. Start towards the higher end of the range and as you lose weight you reduce the number of cals accordingly. In this way your weight loss shouldn’t stall and you should be able to sustain it fairly easily as you won’t feel hungry all the time.

I think you will be able to change your calorie allowance number on MFP so you will still be able to use it for calorie counting. Good luck x

Hmgy profile image
Hmgy in reply to NannyEJ

Thank you I’ve looked on there as there is a big difference fitness pal says 1400 calories but nhs says 2100-2200 calories that’s a big difference so I may take up this idea and start at the higher end and work way down I might actually try and count up a typical day first to see how far over those 2200 calories I actually am going 😱 x

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to Hmgy

If you look at the best approach for PCOS, it isn't about calorie counting, in fact it doesn't require any counting at all :)

Hmgy profile image
Hmgy in reply to BridgeGirl

I will have a look at that thank you 😊

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to Helenlouise39

Hello and welcome, Helenlouise39 :)

The 12 week plan would not be suitable for Hmgy because of her health concerns.

For you, I recommend you take your calorie range from the NHS BMI calculator as the 1400 figure is generic and suits very few of us. It may well be that you can eat more and lose weight steadily.

You'll find everything you need to use the forum in Pinned Posts A good starting point is joining a weekly weigh in on the day of your choice and using the Daily Diary, where members share their meal plans.

Do some exploring and then join in chats, ask questions and encourage others - it will all pay off for you :)

Progressoverperfect profile image
ProgressoverperfectHostRestart June 2024 in reply to Helenlouise39

Hello Helenlouise39

Reading your post I can recognise myself ( minus the 4 children!! I have one and shes 27 so I can't blame her!!)

I was following SW for years with very limited success and last September whilst on holiday feeling not as great as I wanted,I decided to drop SW and join the gym, forward to march 2020 and furloughed and unhealthy habits began to creep in.

Two weeks ago I began the NHS plan and I picked up the C25K on week 3.

For my calorie guidance I used NHS BMI checker and have a range between 1772 and 2214, I currently have 2000 a day.

I've cut down my alcohol to 2 drinks Thursday and Friday and 4 saturday with a glass of wine with sunday tea. My first weigh in was wednesday and lost 5lbs!!!

Good luck with your journey and I hope I didn't bore you with my essay😂😂😂

Have a good week😊

Hmgy profile image
Hmgy in reply to Progressoverperfect

Thank you 😊 and best of luck I am missing my aqua Zumba can’t wait for gyms to be open

Hi am So sorry your struggling at the moment. You have a lot of health issues so that must be very challenging. I too have fibromyalgia and am quite unwell and understand how you must be feeling. I too a long time ago was craving sweets and chocolates and was told it was caused by Candida. Could you keep a food diary cut out all sugar as it’s making you so ill. It’s very hard to do as sugar is very addictive I was like a junkie whilst quitting chocolate. You’re health is so important and you could possibly have undiagnosed conditions that’s making you gain weight and your existing conditions do cause weight gain so I can image it’s quite difficult but not impossible to lose the weight. It’s further complicated as it’s just so hard in a stressful job. Do you go home and have to look after a family or can you rest. Could you change jobs or take some time out. Are you due any holidays as maybe a few days just for you could help you decide what would help. Do you have supportive friends, work colleagues and family to help you. You could do a detox it always helps me. Try taking chromium supplements as it stops the sugar cravings. Plus get baths in Epsom salts or Dead Sea salts. It’s all trial and error what works for one person may not work for another. When you have fibromyalgia you are more sensitive to foods but you can get better. There’s lots of information on this site with great people who are very knowledgeable about lots of medical issues. Try keeping a thoughts and feelings diary I have just done this and it’s amazing what you start to write down. It will pinpoint what is going on in your life and anything you are not happy with. I wish you all the very best but it sounds like you need a much earned break. Let us know how you get on and go onto the you Tube websites on diets, fibromyalgia etc as I have found some of them very helpful. Have a lovely weekend. J 😀

100kgtarget profile image

Hi Hmgy. I am not an expert on your medical conditions so can’t give help there but for me you’ve made a massive first step or two. Firstly being brave enough to join here - I know for me that was scary. And then admitting you want to make change. And now doing something about it! To me that all shows determination to make it happen. I, too, am at the start of a very long journey. I hope I will find help on here all the way. Personally I detest ‘diets’. I don’t like the theory of cutting things out. Instead I like the philosophy of ‘everything in moderation’. We all know deep down what we do right and wrong. So let’s increase the good stuff (fruit, veg, exercise) and cut back (not eliminate) the bad stuff. Let’s be honest though, we need to be really honest with ourselves and it’s going to be really hard. But here I think you will have a massive support network. Do what’s right for you, but do make some changes. It will be hard at first but I think once we start seeing results in the mirror the motivation will come thick and fast. Good luck!

jimbop profile image

I feel out of control with food too and I’m very overweight. I’m at week 4 now of Cto5k and although it’s been hard I feel so much better. My point is maybe forget about the food thing until you feel ready to challenge it and try the running thing very gradually, it’ll make you fell like you can sort other stuff out too perhaps? Big hugs. Be kind to yourself.

Diane2 profile image
Diane2 in reply to jimbop

Hello jimbop and welcome to this Forum!

As I hope you can see it us z very friendly welcoming site.

People adopt a mix of approaches on here which you will see as you explore this site. It's a case of read up and feel your view till you find a way forward that you are able to sustain . We strongly recommend new members make use of one of our Weekly Weigh In pages and the Daily Diary posts. You will find these via this link following which takes you to our Pinned Posts section. There you will find a Welcome message,general advice (eg: internet safety)and guide to our site plus links to a range of groups which we hope will interest you as well as the key Weigh In and Daily Diary pages..... can take a bit to learn how to find one's way around so please read the material carefully and also note, don't use the HU App, it is much easier to use the website.

As explained above, we recommend that members join a Weekly Weigh-In, on the day of your choice, and also use the Daily Diary, where members share their meal plans and get useful feedback. They are found under Pinned Posts (go back to the link I gave you above)

A special feature of our Forum is the degree of support between members which you will experience (and add to yourself !) as you join in and chat with others.

All the best on your weight-loss journey ! 😊

Ktealess profile image

Diane2 profile image
Diane2 in reply to Ktealess

Hello Ktealess and welcome to this Forum! It's a great place to garner support, exchange ideas and learning and .....lose weight as you may well have discovered already.

People adopt a mix of approaches on here which you will see as you explore this site. We strongly recommend new members make use of one of our Weekly Weigh In pages and the Daily Diary posts. You will find these via this link following which takes you to our Pinned Posts section. There you will find a Welcome message,general advice (eg: internet safety)and guide to our site plus links to a range of groups which we hope will interest you as well as the key Weigh In and Daily Diary pages..... can take a bit to learn how to find one's way around so please read the material carefully and also note, don't use the HU App, it is much easier to use the website.

As explained above, we recommend that members join a Weekly Weigh-In, on the day of your choice, and also use the Daily Diary, where members share their meal plans and get useful feedback. They are found under Pinned Posts (go back to the link I gave you above)

A special feature of our Forum is the degree of support between members which you will experience (and add to yourself !) as you join in and chat with others.

All the best on your weight-loss journey ! 😊

Debbie410 profile image

Hi lovely,

I've just joined too. I'm 17 stone and just recovering from breast cancer. I have done SW and WW but just seem to pile all the weight back on. I've joined this group to learn about potion control as this is something SW does not teach. I'm eating healthier and sticking to 1400 calories a day at the moment which is what it recommends. I've downloaded the chart and put it on my fridge as a daily reminder. I'm on week 3 and have so far lost 12lb. I have a long way to go to get to my 10 stone 12lb target but I'm determined to stay on track for my daughters wedding next year but more importantly for my health. Take each day at a time. Check your BMI on the calculator on the NHS page and this will give you your daily calorie allowance.

Good luck. Let's do this! 🙌

Hmgy profile image
Hmgy in reply to Debbie410

That’s amazing 12lbs in 3 weeks you must be so proud of yourself x

Diane2 profile image
Diane2 in reply to Debbie410

Hello Debbie410 and welcome to this Forum!

You are doing great thus far. I was 16st 3lbs Sept 2018 and currently weigh 13st so yes change is possible and the site really works in terms of informing and supporting you!

People adopt a mix of approaches on bshere which you will see as you explore this site. We strongly recommend new members make use of one of our Weekly Weigh In pages and the Daily Diary posts. You will find these via this link following which takes you to our Pinned Posts section. There you will find a Welcome message,general advice (eg: internet safety)and guide to our site plus links to a range of groups which we hope will interest you as well as the key Weigh In and Daily Diary pages..... can take a bit to learn how to find one's way around so please read the material carefully and also note, don't use the HU App, it is much easier to use the website.

As explained above, we recommend that members join a Weekly Weigh-In, on the day of your choice, and also use the Daily Diary, where members share their meal plans and get useful feedback. They are found under Pinned Posts (go back to the link I gave you above)

A special feature of our Forum is the degree of support between members which you will experience (and add to yourself !) as you join in and chat with others.

All the best on your weight-loss journey ! 😊

PedallingMinstrel profile image
PedallingMinstrelRestart April 2024

You’ve taken the first step been open about your challenges and faced you demons. I think SW is good as a starter but it doesn’t seem to work long term .At the moment LCHF seems to be working for me good luck with your journey Hmgy and take all the support this site can give you

GrannyCT profile image

Hi - I resonate with what you’re saying so much. One of our sons is a GP and also very lovely! He spoke with me this week to see how I was getting on with losing weight. Not great was my answer. He talked about just losing a pound a week - which seems wrong to me, I have so much to lose. But he said that if I just make a few small changes each week - just a small calorie deficit - then a pound a week over a year is over 3.5 stones! I know, when I am being honest with myself, that I can do a pound a week without much sacrifice. So, that’s what I shall do. Rather than getting frustrated because I haven’t lost 5 lbs one week, I’m going to be really happy with 1 lb or maybe even 0.5 lb each week. It’s given me a new motivation, because I always want to lose it quickly. Why not try for 1lb loss this week? Then next week another 1 lb? Good luck and I’ll be thinking of you each week as I weigh. We’re in this for the long haul - a life change not a quick fix. x

Hmgy profile image
Hmgy in reply to GrannyCT

I know what your saying but at my size I get so demotivated with a pound a week I feel like it will take too long and I get frustrated x

NannyEJ profile image
NannyEJ in reply to GrannyCT

What a lovely caring son you have. And he’s right. One pound is a perfect amount to lose a week - especially if you have a lot to lose as you will be able to do this relatively painlessly and your body will have time to adjust slowly so you shouldn’t be left with lots of loose skin as your weight drops. Doing a bit of exercise once you are able will also help with this. It will be a sustainable loss and you shouldn’t gain it back. Good luck xx

Diane2 profile image
Diane2 in reply to GrannyCT

Hello Chris-George and welcome to this Forum! Absolutely right this uz not about "quick fixes" as they dont fix anything sustainable. Adopting a steady return to health eating will get the weight down however- may be slow but it's more likely to stay gone.0ì

People adopt a mix of approaches on here which you will see as you explore this site. We strongly recommend new members make use of one of our Weekly Weigh In pages and the Daily Diary posts. You will find these via this link following which takes you to our Pinned Posts section. There you will find a Welcome message,general advice (eg: internet safety)and guide to our site plus links to a range of groups which we hope will interest you as well as the key Weigh In and Daily Diary pages..... can take a bit to learn how to find one's way around so please read the material carefully and also note, don't use the HU App, it is much easier to use the website.

As explained above, we recommend that members join a Weekly Weigh-In, on the day of your choice, and also use the Daily Diary, where members share their meal plans and get useful feedback. They are found under Pinned Posts (go back to the link I gave you above)

A special feature of our Forum is the degree of support between members which you will experience (and add to yourself !) as you join in and chat with others.

All the best on your weight-loss journey ! 😊

Goose7 profile image


You are not alone just do a little each day drink a few more glasses of water , walk around the house go up the stairs a few more times hold a tin of soup/ beans in each hand Play some music have a little dance off .... I have been in the garden before work set a five minute timer how much I can dig only 5 mins but it helps . An remember you are amazing an honest one day at a time

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