I am a 36 year old woman. I would like to lose weight, but I am not.
Since March 22nd, I have been going on a walk every night of the week. Occasionally, I'll miss a night, but never more than once in a seven day period. I started by going for a 3.5km walk, and have slowly increased the distance and speed that I walk. Since May 10th, I have been maintaining at least 5km of walking each night at a pace, on average, of 5.7km/hour. According to my fitness tracker, the first week I began walking, I was burning 1800 calories per week; I now burn, on average, 2200 calories per week.
Additionally, I have been tracking my calorie intake on SparkPeople. Based on my height (5' 1"), weight (210lbs), and activity level, my BMR is approx. 2449. As a result, I try not to exceed 2000 calories a day, although SparkPeople suggests that I could eat up to 2510 calories daily. I have a generally good track record of staying within my target of 1700-2000 calories daily, and rarely, if ever, exceed 2500 calories. I make sure that I am eating when I am hungry, as opposed to eating out of boredom or in response to emotions. I also watch my carb, protein, and fat intake, and stay within my recommended ranges (243-408, 48-98, and 60-220, respectively). I do enjoy beer and wine, but not on a regular basis, and certainly not daily. I drink water consistently throughout the day, and rarely drink anything other than water, other than an occasional juicer of orange juice. I do not drink coffee or tea.
I have a slightly low thyroid, and take a small dosage of Eltroxin daily. I have no underlying health conditions other than this. I get 7 hours of sleep, on average. I have relatively low stress levels, and maintain a generally happy demeanour.
My hope was to lose 1lb per week; since I began my exercise routine and tracking of calories, I have lost 0lbs. I have not noticed my clothes fitting any differently, and have not noticed a change in my measurements. When I look in the mirror, I don't see any differences in my body.
Am I doing something wrong? Is there something I can adjust to start losing weight? Any suggestions or assessments of my situation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!