Clicked on post Monday 17th February for weigh ins but there wasn’t anywhere to log my weight. Getting very frustrated cos my wife and I have spent Hours looking for it. Please help us. We joined today so still finding or not finding our way around. Enjoy your day xx
Where do I find where to log my weight... - Weight Loss Support
Where do I find where to log my weight please?

This should help you Chelsea51
Do take the time to reread the link that moreless has provided you, however...
Scroll all the way up to the top of this page and click on 'Home' (the one next to 'Posts' and NOT the one next to 'My hub') and you'll find the link under 'Events' on the right hand side, as you scroll down.
Shout out if you still have trouble.
Hello again. I have at last found theEvents and daily weigh in but nothing happens when I click on it. Any ideas? Thanks for helping
If you're using the app, you may have problems so always use the website, whatever device you're on.
When I click on the weigh-in in Events, the post comes up headed 'Weigh in for Mass Movers , Monday 17 th February 2020'
You DON'T click on Write.
You scroll down and read the post by wa2un7.
Below the post, you'll see Reply to wa2un7.
Below that, there's a box saying Leave a comment: that's where you write whatever you want to say.
Then you scroll down further and read what other members of the weigh-in team have written today and you reply to some of them - we ask everyone to reply to at least three others, so the support is shared around. It doesn't have to be anything elaborate; a simple 'well done' or 'have a good week' is always appreciated, and it's a good way of getting to know people
Thank you very much. I was looking for a page that had icons of all weight today or starting weight. Still not sure what’s happening here but give me time!
If you post your weight this week as your starting week then that will be logged.
After a few weeks, if you've been contributing to the weigh-ins (replying to others) and you post a loss (pounds or kilos) then you will get a badge next to your name that will show it
Probably confused you more but stick with it and at some point it will make sense