BMI of 32...
Going on a downward spiral. I've put 3 stone on since I have been with my husband. I need to loose 4 stone 9lbs.
Any help or ideas on what diet to do??
I feel like I've tried everything
BMI of 32...
Going on a downward spiral. I've put 3 stone on since I have been with my husband. I need to loose 4 stone 9lbs.
Any help or ideas on what diet to do??
I feel like I've tried everything
Hello and welcome Wombatblue
The first thing I would say, is stop dieting. Diets give us the idea there is a start and an end. I'm afraid there is no end. Once you stop a 'diet' and go back to 'normal' eating, the weight just comes back. Try and change your mindset to think of a healthy eating plan that is sustainable for life.
There are so many different plans, it all becomes a bit confusing to say the least.
Have you looked at the NHS 12 week calorie counting plan? If you are considering this, then please make sure you check your personal Calorie allowance on the NHS BMI calculator and start towards the high end. We would suggest that you avoid all low fat, diet foods and incorporate good healthy fats into your eating plan. These will keep you full and will help to stop any snacking.
Another very popular diet is the Low Carb High Fat. If you are interested in this or want to now more about it, please take a look at this forum,
Many people have had great success with it.
We have put together a Newbie pack to help you to navigate the forum, please take the time to read it,
Please also take the time to read this information about internet security/privacy,
Our What's Happening thread is the place to go to see all the activities that we have on offer to help to keep you motivated and involved with the forum. Two really good places for support and information are the Daily Diary and the daily Weigh In's which can be found in Events each day. How to find Events is explained in the Newbie pack.
We look forward to seeing you joining in around the forum and wish you good luck with your journey downwards
Thank you Lucigret.
I know I am a nightmare. I need to reset my mindset and what to eat food wise. I will definitely check out these links though. Thanks so much.
You are very welcome. Start by making some small changes whilst you read through all the information. Cut out snacks and clear out the things that you know you shouldn't have for starters. Once you have decided which plan you are going to follow, make a menu plan for the week and shop only for that. If the temptation isn't in the house, it will really help.
Just keep involved here and keep asking questions, the more involved you are, the more likely you are to achieve your goal.
If you think you might be interested in the LCHF way, then Google DietDoctor ( I tried to put you a link, but for some reason I can't seem to do it)
Hello, when I felt like I had tried everything I came here and discovered lchf (low carb high fat) the food is lush and doesn't leave you hungry! Would you like to join our weigh in? Here's the link, hope to see you there! x
Sorry Lytham, the WI is now closed, but there is always tomorrow's Wombatblue
It was Wednesday Wobblers I gave ! x
Sorry Lytham. I get easily confused. You Host today's but belong to tomorrow's
Ha ha ! Yes I have my foot in both camps, double chance of winning ! lol x
That is just so 'Lytham' lol š
Welcome Wombatblue
As the others have mentioned it's more of a mindset change. Step one is admiting that there's a problem though, and by posting here you have come to that conclusion which is a great start. The next step is to realise that diets don't work and aren't susbstainable long-term, it's a lifestyle change which seems very scary and will be hard to get used to at first. The first few weeks after joining the 12 week programme I felt so hungry and angry but then as you go along you learn which foods help keep you full so you end up not being hungry anymore. I am guilty of still falling off the wagon but you need to pick yourself back up again and I find posting here and checking in with the weekly weigh-in helps keep me on track again.
There is so much love and support here and it has helped me so much because everyone here has been or is still in the same boat so I trust what they say more than other people who have been their ideal weight their entire lives and don't know the struggles.
I am sure with all the advice and recipes here you will do great things, just keep at it and don't beat yourself up if you happen to fall off the wagon from time to time, we aren't perfect, we can only try our best, and slowly it will happen
Hi sugarpopple
Thanks for your reply.
Yes I fall off the wagon alot and I feel so guilty afterwards. I'm a yo yo dieter which really doesn't help. It's put me in this position. I need the 12 week plan I think, I can't do these low carb high fat diets and the FAD ones too as I'm a foodie. I can be quite fussy and by the looks of it I like my dense calorie foods.
It's nice to feel that I have people the same as me
I have a high BMI and am following the 12 week NHS plan. I would never have counted calories in the past but it's working for me. I allow myself treats because if not I'd feel deprived. I have lost 7lbs in the first 2 weeks and 2 in the 2nd week. My BMI has dropped and I feel very motivated. I put on 3st because of one of the side effects of medication. This brought me in to the obese category and another couple of weeks and I should be out of that. I have never been in that category in my life. I have realised this is not a diet but a way of life hence the reason for the treats as I feel it has to fit with my life. Best wishes with whatever style you choose for your life.
Can I ask what treats you have? I have just joined and am about to start but I have a major sweet tooth!
I look at the calories on some of the biscuits that I like so in order not to feel deprived I count them in to my calorie intake. I also bought some Thins which are really nice and only 20 calories in each. I put a scrape of hummus on them or some cream cheese with a small gherkin sliced or some cucumber. A square of 84% chocolate suffices too. It's 55 calories. I buy the supermarket own brand which is Ā£1 a bar. I found mini Magnums are a nice occasional treat. Unfortunately, they are assorted so if you didn't like some of the flavours it's not so good. I feel a small one is big enough to not feel deprived. I've just mixed and matched according to how I feel at the time. There are loads of ideas if you google healthy/ low calorie snacks.
I have followed so many diets and failed miserably. When I followed SW, my treats would be low cal things like pink n whites, trifle sponge fingers. So I could have things like that. What kind of meals do you have? This is where I start to struggle.
I suggest you go for real food, veg, fruit, dairy, fish and meat if you eat them. Try and avoid processed stuff, which is what your pink n whites sound like, however low cal. You haven't failed, its diets that have failed you, just as they do for us all
I eat proper meals with veg but have only one potato or none. I'm not sure when I last had bread but I've not ruled it out altogether I've just not wanted it. I am having nice treats but they are treats or I would just give up. This is about lifestyle to fit in with me. This week has been difficult because I've been out a lot and don't expect to have lost. Interestingly I have not enjoyed the carbs I had when I was out but would have felt rude if I'd refused them as people had gone to the trouble of cooking and baking. I have been leaving food on my plate when I have felt full and declined dessert. It's another social weekend coming up but I think I have worked it out as best I can.
That should have read 7lbs in the first week and 2lbs in the 2nd week making a total of 9lbs!
Thank you, Wombatblue. I hope you find the plan helpful