Hi ... I'm new ! Im fat! Im intrigued! How are people finding this group ? 😁
Hello: Hi ... I'm new ! Im fat! Im... - Weight Loss Support

Hi and welcome, Marmaduke76 ::
Follow this link to our chat thread and a list of all the activities we run. We've found active participation to be key to success, especially with our weigh-ins and Daily Diary.
To make navigating the forum easier, we've put all the information you'll need in a newbie pack and here's the link
Please take the time to read it carefully, so that you're able to enjoy everything that we have on offer.
We ask that you also read this important information about internet privacy and security.
Wishing you all the best
Fantastic and welcome! The two best things for me have been joining a weekly weigh-in and the daily diary! The daily diary has been particularly helpful in planning my menus in advance, and getting a lot of ideas and encouragement from others. I’ve lost 21 pounds in 11 weeks and I’m really enjoying it.
Hi Marmaduke76, I like your intro! I think the Daily Diary where you post your food plan (so you tend to stick to it and don't go for impulsive snackies) and the Weigh-in weekly posts are very helpful. Lots of commonsense, encouragement and wry British humour on this site - I don't normally join forums, but am sticking with this one. Good luck on your 'quest to divest'!
Hi Marmaduke, I'm only on day3 and have found this group to be more helpful than the slimming world group I use to go to. Lovely people who are willing to share some great tips and ideas x

Welcome Marmaduke76. I only joined the weigh in group last week and I have found it has helped already! Knowing that I would be sharing my weight was very motivating. Also I have found writing the weight loss down has made me appreciate the weight loss more. For example today I have lost 2lbs and I was quite disappointed as I didn’t quite get under 11stone as I’d hoped but then I wrote down my total weight loss so far which is 5lbs and I thought woo hoo!!! 😁 Also no having to leave the house or paying for a group like slimming world! Double woo hoo! 😆 I haven’t looked at the daily diaries and food plans but I will do now so thanks for the tip WestieMaltese and Juppy. 🙏😊 Best if luck x
Hi and welcome the group's brilliant very supportive and fun.
I've been a member for 8 days. I think it's brilliant, especially the support people give you in the weekly weigh in. Tonight we're trying the Peppers with spicy turkey stuffing recipe only we're using chicken which is suggested as an alternative.