I am very proud of myself. I can't quiet believe how active i have been and how much weight i have lost in my first week of my new health kick. I have lost 4kg, the weight is just dropping off. Sorry i haven't been on here for a few days but i have been really busy tidying and reorganising my flat. I have had a good sort out and now have mostly everything where i want it and easily accessible. I dug my wii out which hasn't been used for a very long time and haven't got round to setting it up as my back hurts and i need to pull out the tv cabinet to plug it in, but i went through all the accessories i have for it and gave them a good clean. I am looking forward to setting it up soon and playing on it again. I went out for a walk down the road yesterday, the first time i have been out without having a reason to go out. I went into the pharmacy and got them to do a blood pressure check. My blood pressure was really high which i am concerned about and i'm hoping i don't have to take medication for high blood pressure. I have an appointment with the nurse next week so i'll see how it goes. I really enjoyed my walk and it didn't feel like too much exercise at all. I am really enjoying my food at the moment and not snacking much between meals and i am still feeling great. I am so pleased that i am making the most of my days now and getting up earlier instead of sleeping in until 11 and just getting things done. I feel like i have so much more time. I hope everyone else is doing ok.
First week has gone really well - Weight Loss Support
First week has gone really well

That's great news Kylie... Congrats!!
Well done on reorging your flat. I think that when we take control of one part of our lives, that it provides us with the impetus to take control of other parts.
You have a bad back, so even if you find a way of plugging your Wii in, it will probably be best to wait until you're totally fit.
Well done for getting out for that walk and getting your blood pressure checked. The nurse will be able to guide you on what's going to be your best next option but carry on here and with your weight loss and that can only help.
Good news all around Kylie and look forward to your further involvement here and hearing more about your progress
My back only hurts because I haven't rested that much and been moving around a lot more. I'm sure I will be able to play on the Wii for at least 10 minutes and also do some yoga exercises with the Wii fit board. I am definitely carrying on nothing is going to stop me. The high blood pressure doesn't seem to be an issue at the moment and I will check it throughout Sundsy as my mum has a blood pressure monitor. Hopefully that will give a better idea of what is going on and then see what the nurse says. Thanks
Very well done Kylie 😊👏🎉 I hope you are doing to start joining us more frequently
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I will be here more frequently. I am on the Sunday weigh in group. Thanks
Excellent 😊. Have a good weekend
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